Self-diagnosis always helpful in tracking disease, says Dr. Krishan Avtar

| Friday | 23rd December, 2016


Neurological disorders basically comprise of disease of the brain. spinal chords, nerves and muscles and their related disorders. They can be further classified into preventive Neurology, curative Neurology and rehabilitative Neurology. We at Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences are having department of Neuro Surgery and Neurology separate add with all Neuro Ophthalmology, Neuro Autology, Neuro Pathology, Neuro Diagnostics, Intervention Radiology etc.

Top five Neuro disorders where early diagnosis can avert a tragic situation later on?

Ideally, in every condition, early diagnosis strengthen our situation later on but it is more true in case of Paralytic attack means stroke or brain attack, in case of head injury or any case of spinal injury, in case of nervous system infection like Meningitis, Encephalitis or any kind of brain tumor and form of dementia where the cognity functions are declining.

What kind of conditions can be self-diagnosed by a layman in terms of alarm to see a Neuro doctor?

Ideally, may conditions can be self-diagnosed and should be promoted. For example, a patient of stroke can self-diagnose if he or she is having difficulties in speaking or understanding, any weakness or numbness in any part of the head or face, limbs or sudden severe decease spell or having severe headache. If the person is facing some kind of jerk or fainting attack then one must suspect some kind of Epilepsy or seizure. So, if the person or family members are alert then atleast they can control the situation or visit a doctor.

Why do Alzheimer`s patient forget important people and event? How it can be prevented or otherwise maned ?

That`s very important question, Alzheimer`s decease is a prototype of impediment. Dementia are the conditions in which there is a progressive declined in the acquired intellectual functions of the person. Basically, these conditions are caused by certain Neuro dis-ablative condition or impairment of blood supply to the brain. Usually these illness starts very slow and the findings are very subtle. Initially, they may have forgetfulness or find it difficult to do day to day life connecting to recent activities, planning, judgement or execution. Ideally, The family members and person himself must have a high suspicious index. All forgetfulness is dementia but if the person is suspicious of forget fullness then immediately must see a specialist since in early ceases there are certain dementia that limit Alzheimer`s and are fully treated dementia like deficiency due to vitamin B 12 or Thyroid disorders. Sometimes there are pseudo dementia like depression that can be treated, fully treated. As far as the Alzheimer`s is concerned that sis relentless progressive Neurological disorders but in recent years there are certain drugs if instituted early atleast it can provide some relief or they are claimed to retard the progression of illness. So, it`s of paramount importance to find out sarky, suspect early and to intervene early.

How it can be prevented?

If you bask me specifically then Alzheimer`s cannot be prevented but by adopting a healthy lifestyle and reduce the amount of stress one can definitely one can not only stay await from Alzheimer`s but many other type of dementia.

What kind of cases of Epilepsy comes to you in Dehradun? What goes on if it goes untreated fro a long period?

Epilepsy is a world wide decease and Epilepsy or `Mirgi` what is commonly called is basically getting the tendency of recurrent fits or seizures usually two or more during six month interval. basically Epilepsy is fairly common and most of the cases the causes of Epilepsy is not known and we call it as general or osteopathic Epilepsy. What we see in our country is this tapeworm cyst neuro cysty coerces is that we see in this part of Uttrakhand. Head injury and other types of disorders like CVS are the other causes of Epilepsy. What is more important for any patient of Epilepsy is to ensure if it is Epilepsy and to institute proper medication for a sufficient period of time because if the patient leaves the treatment in between the it may reoccur.

Does sleep Apnoea or Soring come under Neurology?

Basically Aponea is a sleep disorder and must be ideally treated by a sleep expert. Ideal condition is when the patient sleeps there is a laxity of tissue of soft pallet and the air entry points are obstructed and patient is getting disturbed sleep, patient gets frequent awakening during the night but he is not having any conscious recall. What happens is the hall mark of the disease is the patent gets possessive day time sleepiness and gets extreme fatigued and lack of concentration. Patients may get sleep while driving or working in the office, usually these patients are over weight and diabetic. These are the factor that further add to the misery of the patient.

How it can be cured?

You have to identify whether it is a proper sleep Aponea, there are many forms of sleep Aponea among which the obstructive sleep Aponea is the most common. It is usually diagnose by a test called sleep study or Polysomnography in the patient is hospitalised and a proper sleep study is carrier out on the patient. By keeping him or her under observation we come to know if the patient is having sleep disorder. Mostly these patients are advised a special device called CPAP continuous air pressure device. This has to be used daily. Initially, the machine may look cumbersome but patient get relief.

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic Neuropathy is basically the dysfunction of peniferal nerve in a patient of Diabetes mellitus, usually there are certain neurochemical changes that basically decrease the performance of the peniferal nerve. There is numbness of limbs, weakness of limbs, a pricking sensation or cotton wool or needling like sensation. Ideal prevention is the proper control of Diabetics status. Secondly, there are certain drugs which are prescribed to provide symptomatic relief in the Diabetic Neuropathy which is severely affecting the quality of life but the grist and for most condition is to have a proper Diabetic control.

Explain curative treatment

Basically, you have to control the Diabetes and secondly there are certain specific medicines which reverse the actual Pathophysiology but still it`s most important to control the Diabetes.

How can one sense Encephalitis?

Basically, Encephalitis is the inflammation and infection of the brain and is caused by virus. In Eastern Uttar Pradesh we have Japanese Encephalitis outbreak each year. These and all Encephalitis have a flu like symptoms having cough and cold. If the patient is having severe headache or fits then they should be immediately taken to specialist as they may be having Encephalitis.

How can media and medicine work together to spread awareness about diseases?

Basically, Media and Medicine can hold hands to fight back misconceptions, myths about diseases, educate and spread awareness among the masses. There are so many mall practices in the society and there is a constant need to educate people in the society. It is the right time to hold hands of Media and Medicine together.

Message for better life style

Prevention is better than cure and that is the only message I would like to pass over to my audience.

Neurological disorders basically comprise of disease of the brain. spinal chords, nerves and muscles and their related disorders. They can be further classified into preventive Neurology, curative Neurology and rehabilitative Neurology. We at Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences are having department of Neuro Surgery and Neurology separate add with all Neuro Ophthalmology, Neuro Autology, Neuro Pathology, Neuro Diagnostics, Intervention Radiology etc.

Top five Neuro disorders where early diagnosis can avert a tragic situation later on?

Ideally, in every condition, early diagnosis strengthen our situation later on but it is more true in case of Paralytic attack means stroke or brain attack, in case of head injury or any case of spinal injury, in case of nervous system infection like Meningitis, Encephalitis or any kind of brain tumor and form of dementia where the cognity functions are declining.

What kind of conditions can be self-diagnosed by a layman in terms of alarm to see a Neuro doctor?

Ideally, may conditions can be self-diagnosed and should be promoted. For example, a patient of stroke can self-diagnose if he or she is having difficulties in speaking or understanding, any weakness or numbness in any part of the head or face, limbs or sudden severe decease spell or having severe headache. If the person is facing some kind of jerk or fainting attack then one must suspect some kind of Epilepsy or seizure. So, if the person or family members are alert then atleast they can control the situation or visit a doctor.

Why do Alzheimer`s patient forget important people and event? How it can be prevented or otherwise maned ?

That`s very important question, Alzheimer`s decease is a prototype of impediment. Dementia are the conditions in which there is a progressive declined in the acquired intellectual functions of the person. Basically, these conditions are caused by certain Neuro dis-ablative condition or impairment of blood supply to the brain. Usually these illness starts very slow and the findings are very subtle. Initially, they may have forgetfulness or find it difficult to do day to day life connecting to recent activities, planning, judgement or execution. Ideally, The family members and person himself must have a high suspicious index. All forgetfulness is dementia but if the person is suspicious of forget fullness then immediately must see a specialist since in early ceases there are certain dementia that limit Alzheimer`s and are fully treated dementia like deficiency due to vitamin B 12 or Thyroid disorders. Sometimes there are pseudo dementia like depression that can be treated, fully treated. As far as the Alzheimer`s is concerned that sis relentless progressive Neurological disorders but in recent years there are certain drugs if instituted early atleast it can provide some relief or they are claimed to retard the progression of illness. So, it`s of paramount importance to find out sarky, suspect early and to intervene early.

How it can be prevented?

If you bask me specifically then Alzheimer`s cannot be prevented but by adopting a healthy lifestyle and reduce the amount of stress one can definitely one can not only stay await from Alzheimer`s but many other type of dementia.

What kind of cases of Epilepsy comes to you in Dehradun? What goes on if it goes untreated fro a long period?

Epilepsy is a world wide decease and Epilepsy or `Mirgi` what is commonly called is basically getting the tendency of recurrent fits or seizures usually two or more during six month interval. basically Epilepsy is fairly common and most of the cases the causes of Epilepsy is not known and we call it as general or osteopathic Epilepsy. What we see in our country is this tapeworm cyst neuro cysty coerces is that we see in this part of Uttrakhand. Head injury and other types of disorders like CVS are the other causes of Epilepsy. What is more important for any patient of Epilepsy is to ensure if it is Epilepsy and to institute proper medication for a sufficient period of time because if the patient leaves the treatment in between the it may reoccur.

Does sleep Apnoea or Soring come under Neurology?

Basically Aponea is a sleep disorder and must be ideally treated by a sleep expert. Ideal condition is when the patient sleeps there is a laxity of tissue of soft pallet and the air entry points are obstructed and patient is getting disturbed sleep, patient gets frequent awakening during the night but he is not having any conscious recall. What happens is the hall mark of the disease is the patent gets possessive day time sleepiness and gets extreme fatigued and lack of concentration. Patients may get sleep while driving or working in the office, usually these patients are over weight and diabetic. These are the factor that further add to the misery of the patient.

How it can be cured?

You have to identify whether it is a proper sleep Aponea, there are many forms of sleep Aponea among which the obstructive sleep Aponea is the most common. It is usually diagnose by a test called sleep study or Polysomnography in the patient is hospitalised and a proper sleep study is carrier out on the patient. By keeping him or her under observation we come to know if the patient is having sleep disorder. Mostly these patients are advised a special device called CPAP continuous air pressure device. This has to be used daily. Initially, the machine may look cumbersome but patient get relief.

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic Neuropathy is basically the dysfunction of peniferal nerve in a patient of Diabetes mellitus, usually there are certain neurochemical changes that basically decrease the performance of the peniferal nerve. There is numbness of limbs, weakness of limbs, a pricking sensation or cotton wool or needling like sensation. Ideal prevention is the proper control of Diabetics status. Secondly, there are certain drugs which are prescribed to provide symptomatic relief in the Diabetic Neuropathy which is severely affecting the quality of life but the grist and for most condition is to have a proper Diabetic control.

Explain curative treatment

Basically, you have to control the Diabetes and secondly there are certain specific medicines which reverse the actual Pathophysiology but still it`s most important to control the Diabetes.

How can one sense Encephalitis?

Basically, Encephalitis is the inflammation and infection of the brain and is caused by virus. In Eastern Uttar Pradesh we have Japanese Encephalitis outbreak each year. These and all Encephalitis have a flu like symptoms having cough and cold. If the patient is having severe headache or fits then they should be immediately taken to specialist as they may be having Encephalitis.

How can media and medicine work together to spread awareness about diseases?

Basically, Media and Medicine can hold hands to fight back misconceptions, myths about diseases, educate and spread awareness among the masses. There are so many mall practices in the society and there is a constant need to educate people in the society. It is the right time to hold hands of Media and Medicine together.

Message for better life style

Prevention is better than cure and that is the only message I would like to pass over to my audience.

Neurological disorders basically comprise of disease of the brain. spinal chords, nerves and muscles and their related disorders. They can be further classified into preventive Neurology, curative Neurology and rehabilitative Neurology. We at Synergy Institute of Medical Sciences are having department of Neuro Surgery and Neurology separate add with all Neuro Ophthalmology, Neuro Autology, Neuro Pathology, Neuro Diagnostics, Intervention Radiology etc.

Top five Neuro disorders where early diagnosis can avert a tragic situation later on?

Ideally, in every condition, early diagnosis strengthen our situation later on but it is more true in case of Paralytic attack means stroke or brain attack, in case of head injury or any case of spinal injury, in case of nervous system infection like Meningitis, Encephalitis or any kind of brain tumor and form of dementia where the cognity functions are declining.

What kind of conditions can be self-diagnosed by a layman in terms of alarm to see a Neuro doctor?

Ideally, may conditions can be self-diagnosed and should be promoted. For example, a patient of stroke can self-diagnose if he or she is having difficulties in speaking or understanding, any weakness or numbness in any part of the head or face, limbs or sudden severe decease spell or having severe headache. If the person is facing some kind of jerk or fainting attack then one must suspect some kind of Epilepsy or seizure. So, if the person or family members are alert then atleast they can control the situation or visit a doctor.

Why do Alzheimer`s patient forget important people and event? How it can be prevented or otherwise maned ?

That`s very important question, Alzheimer`s decease is a prototype of impediment. Dementia are the conditions in which there is a progressive declined in the acquired intellectual functions of the person. Basically, these conditions are caused by certain Neuro dis-ablative condition or impairment of blood supply to the brain. Usually these illness starts very slow and the findings are very subtle. Initially, they may have forgetfulness or find it difficult to do day to day life connecting to recent activities, planning, judgement or execution. Ideally, The family members and person himself must have a high suspicious index. All forgetfulness is dementia but if the person is suspicious of forget fullness then immediately must see a specialist since in early ceases there are certain dementia that limit Alzheimer`s and are fully treated dementia like deficiency due to vitamin B 12 or Thyroid disorders. Sometimes there are pseudo dementia like depression that can be treated, fully treated. As far as the Alzheimer`s is concerned that sis relentless progressive Neurological disorders but in recent years there are certain drugs if instituted early atleast it can provide some relief or they are claimed to retard the progression of illness. So, it`s of paramount importance to find out sarky, suspect early and to intervene early.

How it can be prevented?

If you bask me specifically then Alzheimer`s cannot be prevented but by adopting a healthy lifestyle and reduce the amount of stress one can definitely one can not only stay await from Alzheimer`s but many other type of dementia.

What kind of cases of Epilepsy comes to you in Dehradun? What goes on if it goes untreated fro a long period?

Epilepsy is a world wide decease and Epilepsy or `Mirgi` what is commonly called is basically getting the tendency of recurrent fits or seizures usually two or more during six month interval. basically Epilepsy is fairly common and most of the cases the causes of Epilepsy is not known and we call it as general or osteopathic Epilepsy. What we see in our country is this tapeworm cyst neuro cysty coerces is that we see in this part of Uttrakhand. Head injury and other types of disorders like CVS are the other causes of Epilepsy. What is more important for any patient of Epilepsy is to ensure if it is Epilepsy and to institute proper medication for a sufficient period of time because if the patient leaves the treatment in between the it may reoccur.

Does sleep Apnoea or Soring come under Neurology?

Basically Aponea is a sleep disorder and must be ideally treated by a sleep expert. Ideal condition is when the patient sleeps there is a laxity of tissue of soft pallet and the air entry points are obstructed and patient is getting disturbed sleep, patient gets frequent awakening during the night but he is not having any conscious recall. What happens is the hall mark of the disease is the patent gets possessive day time sleepiness and gets extreme fatigued and lack of concentration. Patients may get sleep while driving or working in the office, usually these patients are over weight and diabetic. These are the factor that further add to the misery of the patient.

How it can be cured?

You have to identify whether it is a proper sleep Aponea, there are many forms of sleep Aponea among which the obstructive sleep Aponea is the most common. It is usually diagnose by a test called sleep study or Polysomnography in the patient is hospitalised and a proper sleep study is carrier out on the patient. By keeping him or her under observation we come to know if the patient is having sleep disorder. Mostly these patients are advised a special device called CPAP continuous air pressure device. This has to be used daily. Initially, the machine may look cumbersome but patient get relief.

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic Neuropathy is basically the dysfunction of peniferal nerve in a patient of Diabetes mellitus, usually there are certain neurochemical changes that basically decrease the performance of the peniferal nerve. There is numbness of limbs, weakness of limbs, a pricking sensation or cotton wool or needling like sensation. Ideal prevention is the proper control of Diabetics status. Secondly, there are certain drugs which are prescribed to provide symptomatic relief in the Diabetic Neuropathy which is severely affecting the quality of life but the grist and for most condition is to have a proper Diabetic control.

Explain curative treatment

Basically, you have to control the Diabetes and secondly there are certain specific medicines which reverse the actual Pathophysiology but still it`s most important to control the Diabetes.

How can one sense Encephalitis?

Basically, Encephalitis is the inflammation and infection of the brain and is caused by virus. In Eastern Uttar Pradesh we have Japanese Encephalitis outbreak each year. These and all Encephalitis have a flu like symptoms having cough and cold. If the patient is having severe headache or fits then they should be immediately taken to specialist as they may be having Encephalitis.

How can media and medicine work together to spread awareness about diseases?

Basically, Media and Medicine can hold hands to fight back misconceptions, myths about diseases, educate and spread awareness among the masses. There are so many mall practices in the society and there is a constant need to educate people in the society. It is the right time to hold hands of Media and Medicine together.

Message for better life style

Prevention is better than cure and that is the only message I would like to pass over to my audience.