Agartala tops top 10 smart city of the Northeast ranking

Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb shared this news and tweeted that he is proud to share that Agartala has ranked top among 10 smart cities of the Northeast region of India.

Agartala, Tripura’s capital city, has ranked top among the 10 smart cities of the Northeast. Apart from this, its national ranking has jumped to 56 from the previous 74.

The Tripura government stated that the success of Agartala Smart City in speeding up the project tendering, sanctioning, and implementation has been appreciated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Secretary, and Government of India during the review of the North Eastern States recently.

Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb shared this news and tweeted that he is proud to share that Agartala has ranked top among 10 smart cities of the Northeast region of India. The national ranking of Agartala has also improved, and that the Agartala Smart City has taken up around 80 projects so far for the overall growth of the city, he added.

As regarding the ranking of other Northeastern cities, the other names are– Namchi, Sikkim (59); Aizwal, Mizoram (75); Kohima, Nagaland (79); Gangtok, Sikkim (80); Guwahati, Assam (83); Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (89); Shillong, Meghalaya (92); Imphal, Manipur (93); and Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh (98).

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