Labourers strike work for pay hike

  • | Saturday | 13th May, 2017

He said the laborers working in the textile units fall under high skilled category, but their work conditions were very pathetic. Powerloom workers want 25% pay hike, threaten two-day stir from May 27Tribune News ServiceAmritsar, May 12Hundreds of textile labourers, working in the powerloom sector, on the call given by All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) and Center of Indian Trade Union (CITU), held a strike here today. They warned that if owners of their units didn’t meet their demands, they would hold a two-day strike from May 27. They preferred not to respond and therefore the two labour unions called for the one-day strike,” he said. Charan Das and Brahamdev Sharam, president and general secretary of the Textile Mazdoor Ekta Union, respectively, said there were around 500 powerloom units wherein around 5,000 labourers were working.

Powerloom workers want 25% pay hike, threaten two-day stir from May 27 Amritsar, May 12 Hundreds of textile labourers, working in the powerloom sector, on the call given by All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) and Center of Indian Trade Union (CITU), held a strike here today. They were demanding an increase in their wages. They warned that if owners of their units didn’t meet their demands, they would hold a two-day strike from May 27. Amarjit Singh Asal, secretary, Punjab, AITUC, said the previous contract had expired on November 2016. “The unions issued a notice to powerloom industrial units talk to us for revision of wages of the laborers who live and work in pathetic conditions. They preferred not to respond and therefore the two labour unions called for the one-day strike,” he said. Amrik Singh, district president of the CITU, said laborers working in the powerloom sector even did not get their minimum wages fixed by the government for the other sectors. He said the laborers working in the textile units fall under high skilled category, but their work conditions were very pathetic. Charan Das and Brahamdev Sharam, president and general secretary of the Textile Mazdoor Ekta Union, respectively, said there were around 500 powerloom units wherein around 5,000 labourers were working. He said they were given wages on production basis. This means they get a minimal wages of Rs 7,000 to Rs 8,000 per month which is far less than their requirements, they added. Earlier, the labourers carried out a march from various parts of the city and reached Beri Gate park to participate in the rally. The unions demanded at least 25 per cent increase in their wages.

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