BJP leaders demand apology from Rahul

  • | Wednesday | 3rd July, 2024

Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva and three time Northeast BJP MP Manoj Tiwari on Tuesday accused the Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi for behaving indecently in Parliament and demanded an apology for insulting Hindus and Speaker of the Lok Sabha Om Birla. Sachdeva alleged that Gandhi abused Hindus on Monday in Parliament to appease the people of Wayanad and stated, "Rahul Gandhi has le ft the Wayanad seat and Priyanka Gandhi has to contest from there and perhaps that is why he tried to please the people of Wayanad by abusing Hindus." He added that despite being launched in politics three times, Raebareli MP only speaks lies. "His speech on Monday was full of despair and baseless. Its surprising that instead of discussing the Presidents address, he kept lying, and its sadder that senior leaders behind him kept laughing," Delhi BJP Chief alleged. Tiwari said that Rahul Gandhi has been insulting Hindus and parliamentary traditions since 2004 and yesterday he kept pictures of Lord Shankar along with a glass of used water. "Rahul Gandhi is playing a dangerous game to create unrest in various parts of the country and cause damage to the nation," he said while mentioning that expecting decorum from the Congress leader is futile. Further, Sachdeva criticised Gandhis speech and said it is insulting the Sanatan society, and sowing seeds of hatred. He challenged Rahul Gandhi to use the same language for another religion as he did for the Hindu community. He claimed, "Rahul Gandhis language reflects his upbringing because no Indian can insult Hindus. It is not surprising that Rahul Gandhis gang might try to justify his words today. But the reality is that Rahul Gandhi and his party leaders, using such language, prove they work for anti-national forces."  Tiwari stated that Gandhi is shamelessly calling Hindus violent after winning 99 seats and he should remember that 87 per cent of voters in these 99 seats are Hindus.

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