Couple injured as hotel shed collapses

  • | Wednesday | 3rd July, 2024

A Punjabi couple suffered injuries on Monday night when a portion of a shed near a swimming pool at Hyatt Regency Hotel in southwest Delhi collapsed and fell on them days after the roof of Delhis Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport collapsed, killing one person and injuring multiple others. According to an official statement by the police on Tuesday, a PCR call was received at around 8.56 pm on Monday in Police Station RK Puram about caving/falling of roof and injury to husband and wife, who were staying at Hyatt Regency The couple, including 42 year old Amit Jain and his 32 year old wife Reva Jain, were standing near the swimming pool, located in the ground floor of the hotel, when a portion of a shed collapsed and fell on them, leaving them with minor head injuries. "Amit sustained head injuries, while his wife suffered minor injuries. No complaint has been filed by them," stated an officer. They later made a PCR call and informed the local police about the incident, a senior police officer said.

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