Students union elections to be held on Sept 27: DU

  • | Tuesday | 3rd September, 2024

The Delhi University on Monday announced that its student union elections for 2024-25 will be held on September 27. The nominations for DUSU polls can be filed on September 17, a varsity official said, adding that the counting of votes will take place on September 28. The voting will take place for day-time classes between 8.30 am to 1 pm and for the evening classes from 3 pm to 7.30 pm, as per the official. After scrutiny of the nominations filed, the list of the duly nominated candidates will be released by 6 pm on September 17. The last date to withdraw the nominations is set as September 18, till 12 noon. The final list of nominated candidates contesting the DUSU polls will be published till 5 pm on September 18. The nomination papers for the DUSU central panel are required to be submitted at the office of Chief Election Officer Satyapal Singh in North Campus from 10 am to 5 pm. For the Central Council elections, to be held in respective institutes affiliated to DUSU, the nomination papers are required to be submitted with the concerned college and department. Last year, the RSS-affiliated ABVP had won three central panel polls including that of president while the Congress student wing NSUI bagged post of vice-president. The elections were held after a gap of three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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