‘Blockchain can be the future disruptor’

  • | Thursday | 9th August, 2018

Similarly, it was in 1997 that IBM’s artificial intelligence powered Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov in chess in 1997. A collaboration between IIIT and TalentSprint was for the launch of an advanced certificate course in blockchain technologies and solutions. Speaking at the rountable, IIIT - Hyderabad Director P.J. The ‘hype’ around blockchain is similar as it has the potential to cause disruption in key areas. Mr. Paul said a recent survey of 1,500 respondents has shown the demand for blockchain catching up with AI and machine learning.

more-in The world has witnessed innovations, such as e-commerce, artificial intelligence and social media, which were perceived as ‘hypes’ in the beginning, only to emerge later as crucial. The ‘hype’ around blockchain is similar as it has the potential to cause disruption in key areas. These were the observations of TalentSprint Managing Director and chief executive officer Santanu Paul, who was speaking on Wednesday at International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad (IIIT-H) at a roundtable on blockchain. Explaining the trend, Mr. Paul said that ‘past hypes’, such as Amazon, started selling books online in 1994. By 2018, it became the leading retail company by valuation. Similarly, it was in 1997 that IBM’s artificial intelligence powered Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov in chess in 1997. Now, he said, AI is disrupting every industry. Mr. Paul said a recent survey of 1,500 respondents has shown the demand for blockchain catching up with AI and machine learning. There has been an increase in interest from professionals who are between 25 years and 30 years of age. Touching upon the use cases of blockchain, speakers said the technology can be used to have transparent and tamper-proof system of voting and also validation of educational certificates, among others. Speaking at the rountable, IIIT - Hyderabad Director P.J. Narayan said the institution’s Blockchain Centre of Excellence will focus on advanced research. A collaboration between IIIT and TalentSprint was for the launch of an advanced certificate course in blockchain technologies and solutions.

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