Tokyo 2020: Boxer Pooja Rani defeats Algeria's Ichrak Chaib 5-0 to reach quarters

Indian boxer Pooja Rani defeated Algerian boxer Ichrak Chaib 5-0. With this, she has now reached the quarterfinals of the 75 kg weight category

Indian boxer Pooja Rani defeated Algerian boxer Ichrak Chaib 5-0. With this, she has now reached the quarterfinals of the 75 kg weight category. Pooja Rani has won in the boxing 69-75 category. If Pooja Rani wins one more match, then she will become a contender for the medal.

Pooja managed to get points over Ichrak Chab In the first round. She was playing aggressively and was successful in impressing the judges. In all three rounds, Pooja worked to take the lead over the opposing boxer. Now Pooja is just one victory away from the medal.

India's Pooja Rani has become the second Indian boxer to enter the quarterfinals at the Tokyo Olympics. Before Pooja, Lovlina Borgohain has made it to the quarterfinals of the women's welterweight event on Tuesday.

Pooja Rani has now become the second boxer to make it to the last 8. Apart from this, India's veteran boxer MC Mary Kom also won her opening round and will now compete on Thursday for a place in the quarterfinals.

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