Govt gives NADA ‘full power’ to conduct dope test on Indian cricketers

The ministry has given full authority and power to collect in-competition blood and urine samples of the cricketers. The ministry has even warned the cricket board that if they fail to adhere to the rules and principles then they would drag BCCI to the court.

A few days back WADA released 2016 report in which Indian cricketer failed the doping test, however, the name of the player has not been released.

Due to an unfortunate incident, the Sports Ministry has ordered the National Anti-Doping Agency to conduct dope-test on Indian cricketers as per the principles laid down by WADA during all domestic and international games played in the nation.

According to reports, WADA had asked ICC to put pressure on BCCI and make Indian cricketers available for dope-testing by NADA. WADA reportedly also warned of cancelling NADA's accreditation if BCCI was not made compliant.

Rahul Bhatnagar/ Secretary Sports: 

''Let them first stop us from conducting dope tests. We will see what more needs to be done. The important thing is we will conduct testing within our parameters and rules and regulations as stipulated in the WADA Code'' 

The ministry has given full authority and power to collect in-competition blood and urine samples of the cricketers. The ministry has even warned the cricket board that if they fail to adhere to the rules and principles then they would drag BCCI to the court.

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