More operators launching 5G networks worldwide

| Tuesday | 2nd July, 2019

Summary: According to the latest research by Hadden Telecoms, 269 network operators are now investing in 5G in 102 countries. This figure includes 33 operators that have commercially launched 5G networks and service in 20 countries. This compares favourably with data for end March 2019 at which time it was reported there were 211 operators investing in 5G in 87 countries, with 15 operators having commercially launched 5G services. Alan Hadden, Director, Hadden Telecoms said: “The number of commercially launched 5G networks has more than doubled over the last 3 months.” The term “Investments” covers 5G network deployments including commercial service launches and ongoing deployments, commitments to deploy networks, trials, test lab activities, and studies. Last week the status of the fast-developing 5G user devices ecosystem was confirmed by Hadden Telecoms as 69 5G devices announced by 35 manufacturers. Download the summary chart of the number of devices per form factor “Announced 5G User Devices “ June2019” at Likes