| Thursday | 2nd August, 2018


These organizations are putting their heart and mind to find out the ill-effects of tobacco on the heartand the way out for reducing consumption of tobacco use across the globe.

2018’s No Tobacco Day theme is “Tobacco Breaks Hearts” which is a campaign where members of the above-mentioned organization along with the government of every country will try to spread the information about how tobacco can break or harm your heart without you even realizing it. Worldwide there are 12% of deaths occurring due to heart diseases are because of tobacco use according to WHO.

Cardiovascular Diseases are very common in every part of the world, and it is instigated more due to the use of tobacco which these organizations want to establish on this No Tobacco Day to reduce the tobacco smoking to save few lives.

Here are some of the major and subtle signs which you should take better care of for having a healthy heart:

1.      Sleep Apnea

Snoring or Sleep Apnea might be a subtle yet very particular sign of heart diseases. People with sleep apnea have three times more risk than people who don’t. This affects mainly the right side of the heart as the lungs are continuously trying to remove the blockage to improve the inhalation, but the muscles are not moving. If you have or your partner has this problem, you must get a heart checkup done as soon as possible.

2.      Chronic Coughing

Continuous tobacco smoking often causes chronic coughing, though there might be other reasons as well. This chronic and continuous coughing cause fluid accumulation in the lungs as the heart couldn’t work as it should be. It cannot pump the amount of blood it should into your lungs and thus due to the low pressure, the fluids are accumulated causing both heart and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

3.      A migraine might not be just a migraine

If you have a migraine from an early stage of life then you might have a general migraine though, it is better to get it checked as 40% of the people with migraine have cardiovascular diseases as suggested by most of the eminent doctors and researchers.

4.      You think you are fit but get short of breath often

Do you get short of breath while moving up the staircase? And even after that, you think you are fit! Yes, you are fit, your muscles are good, and your brain is strong but maybe not your heart. While doing any physical exercise or running, using the staircase etc., if you feel short of breath that might be a sign of an unhealthy heart which you must get checked.

5.      Feeling pain while walking?

Do you feel irritation or pain in the muscles of your hip or legs while walking or moving or even climbing if that is applicable? You might be thinking that this pain is because of the less amount of physical activity you are into or due to the growing age of yours, but it can be Peripheral Arterial Disease. If you have this symptom, then the chances of having a blockage in one of your heart’s arteries are fifty percent as the arteries in the leg is having an accumulation of fatty plaque. This, in turn, increases the chances of heart blockage. But you can treat it if you get it diagnosed at the right time, so go for a heart check up today.

6.      Tired all the time?

There are people who feel tired all the time even without doing any strenuous work,and this is not just laziness. Extreme fatigue is a sign of unhealthy heart as the blood is not adequately pumped in the other parts of the body which in turn reduces the strength and functioning capabilities of the body causing fatigue. Moreover, if you are smoking tobacco on top of that to get rid of the tiredness as we Indians do to refresh our mind by smoking; you are putting yourself and your heart in more trouble.

7.      High blood pressure

Though it is a common sign of your heart at risk, it is instigated when you smoke regularly. The blockages can build up faster due to the smoke you are inhaling every day. The nicotine aids in clogging of the blood vessels which increases the blood pressure causing extreme pressure on the vessels and the arteries which in turn causes cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.

Taking care of your heart need not just be limited to precautions and treatments. You also need good financial support in case of an ailment to your heart. Therefore, health insurance for heart sounds like a perfect choice.

You can buy online health insurance to cover your heart. The essential feature of the online health insurance for the heart is that it will offer support even in case of minor heart-related ailments. This health insurance provides lumpsum payment regardless of your actual treatment expenses. Thus, supporting your family even if you are unable to work for a while.