Are you quarantine ,then food will be received at your doorstep

| Thursday | 10th September, 2020


In the time of pandemic ,when people are quarantined we look for meal which is healthy and nutritious to us. If you are quarantied the first thought which will come to your mind is about meal , how you will take care of that?Hotels and restaurants across the country are now delivering quarantine meals, much to the relief of those under home quarantine.

It get all started when people started making request for quarantine meals in Chennai, most of them asked for 15 day meal package.“We realised that there is a demand for home-cooked food. Good nutrition is crucial for health, particularly in times when the immune system needs to fight back. So we decided to start our quarantine meal packages,” says Gayathri who run the subscription-based food service Roo’s Food Concepts in Chennai.

They offer breakfast, lunch & dinner cutomer have option to subscribe one meal for 15days which makes easier for them. To make popular and favourite within the audience Gayathri is making quarantine breakfast colourful.With the help of beetroot,pudina & turmeric to make dishes more attractive for children. Different type of experiment are been done by keeping consumer in mind.

In Bangaluru Divya Prabhakar and Vishal Shetty of Oota Company are catering food  to the 80-odd quarantine meal orders across the city.“I received a call in July from a friend, who along with her whole family tested positive and wanted to subscribe to meals for 10 days. That is when I started offering the quarantine meal options,” says Divya.They are having two kinds of subscription options — five or ten days. One can take for lunch or dinner or both. The meal consists of a healthy vegetarian menu with a curry, a dry dish, homemade curd, rasam and rice, chapati or ragi mudde. All the essential nutrients that you are looking for in a meal is present.

The meal is delivered in packed and sealed plastic boxes to your house  through Dunzo. “We have received a lot of orders from NRI clients whose parents or relatives are in the city and under home quarantine. We also give an option to customize food according to the requirements,” says Divya.

Satish  from Varanasi, the food and beverages manager of the hotel. They are delivering  150 meals per day. Contact-less delivery and a nutritious menu are the highlights of these meals.

Their are few foodchain,hotels & reaturants taking this as a opportunity by making food easily available to people. The need of this hour is looking for this type of iniatiative done by foodchain which are beneficial for people & also making goodwill within the audience regarding the company.