Five effective ways to beat the after party blues

| Monday | 1st January, 2018


New Year is here but the hangover from after partying on the New Year’s Eve refuses to leave.

That headache? It may come from dehydration — alcohol is a diuretic — and your body’s adjustment to your dropping blood alcohol levels after you’ve stopped drinking.

And there’s one proven cure: Time. It takes 8 to 24 hours for symptoms to disappear.

In the meantime, try these simple, natural ways to avoid the pain, or to tackle headaches, nausea, and general malaise the day after:

It’s important to stay hydrated while you`re drinking alcohol. If you bypass that rule and wake up groggy the next morning, drink up to rehydrate and flush the impurities from your system.

Consume, coconut water, or bouillon soup — that can restore the salt and potassium you’ve lost.

Grease your intestine before you take the sip. It will take the alcohol longer to get into your system.

Studies show that fructose may speed alcohol metabolism, thus reducing the risk of a hangover. It’s important to eat sugar while you’re drinking, not before, since fructose metabolizes quickly.

Consume the household essential ginger is effective to reduce nausea and vomiting. Try nibbling crystallized ginger in the aftermath of a night of drinking. According to research consuming a combination of ginger, tangerine pith, and brown sugar before drinking decreases nausea and vomiting.

Go back to bed. A hangover isn`t caused by lack of sleep, but that makes it worse. Take a long nap the day after:  It’s the body’s w