Ice Cream vs. Frozen Dessert: Understanding the Difference

| Monday | 15th May, 2023


When it comes to frozen treats, there are various options available, including ice cream and frozen desserts. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are distinct differences between the two. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed choice and satisfy your cravings for a delightful frozen treat. In this article, we will explore the disparities between ice cream and frozen desserts.



Ice Cream: Ice cream is typically made with a base of milk, cream, sugar, and often includes natural flavorings such as vanilla or chocolate. It is churned during the freezing process, which gives it a creamy texture.

Frozen Dessert: Frozen desserts, on the other hand, can have a broader range of ingredients. While they may also contain milk, cream, and sugar, they often include additional ingredients like vegetable oil, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and artificial flavorings. These ingredients are used to achieve a similar texture and taste to ice cream.

Fat Content:

Ice Cream: Traditional ice cream typically has a higher milk fat content, usually ranging from 10% to 18%, which contributes to its rich and creamy texture.

Frozen Dessert: Frozen desserts often have a lower milk fat content, as they may incorporate vegetable oil or other non-dairy fat sources. This can result in a slightly different texture and mouthfeel compared to ice cream.

Churning Process:

Ice Cream: Ice cream is made by churning the mixture as it freezes. This process incorporates air into the mixture, creating a light and fluffy texture.

Frozen Dessert: Frozen desserts may not go through the same churning process as ice cream. Instead, they are often made by simply freezing the mixture, which can result in a denser and smoother consistency.

Allergen Considerations:

Ice Cream: Ice cream made with milk and cream may not be suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies. However, there are dairy-free and lactose-free ice cream options available for those with specific dietary restrictions.

Frozen Dessert: Some frozen desserts are specifically formulated to be dairy-free or lactose-free, making them suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences.


While ice cream and frozen desserts both offer delightful frozen treats, there are significant differences between the two. Ice cream typically has higher milk fat content, goes through a churning process, and is regulated by specific standards. Frozen desserts, on the other hand, may have a lower fat content, different ingredients, and may not undergo the same churning process. Understanding these distinctions can help you choose the frozen treat that best suits your preferences, dietary restrictions, and cravings. Whether you opt for the classic creaminess of ice cream or the variety offered by frozen desserts, indulge in moderation and savor the delightful flavors that each has to offer.