Is doing MBA right after engineering a good career option?

| Monday | 12th February, 2018


If you have a child studying in the final year of undergrads, chances are that you know he has started accumulating resources to prepare himself for the next stage of entrance examinations. It is very acceptable for our society to see students jump from Engineering to B-School campuses.

There is a mindset that encourages students to treat education as a necessary chore and get over with it while they are in the middle of it.

The author who has an experience of working with a diverse group of professionals believes that the student majority is not aware of its reasons for doing an MBA.

Lack of awareness:

Many of us want to jump into a B-School just to get out of the LIMBO we are in right now. Jumping from an unknown to another unknown? Will that really help?

How would it feel if you two years on MBA and woke up with the same pattern of "I am still not sure what is it that I want"?

The conventional model of "I have no idea what is it that I want from an MBA. I do not even know what exists out there. But I want to be a manager and earn more money" has not worked for us.

Instead of thinking of an MBA as a necessary hurdle, you should explore "How to construct an MBA into the scheme of events of your life?" "How to really create a space for MBA in your lives?"

The author has simply put it this way: Look at the following equation

Past + MBA = Short Term (5 years) + Long Term (6 to 15 years).

Here`s why you should pursue an MBA:

One should pursue MBA in order to complement existing skill sets, and the only way to evaluate one`s existing skill sets is to work for 4 to 5 years before starting your education in business. During professional experiences, people come across moments that inspire them to build an expertise. That expertise will enable them to fulfil their short-term ambition.

For example:

Someone working for supply chain in Maruti realizes after three years that Supply Chains are more complex than the simple procurement systems in these companies.

He might feel like getting exposed to the plethora of parameters that make supply chain very optimised. He might even consider starting a career with Walmart, Dell, Nokia, Amazon (World`s most optimized supply chains).

To get to this stage, this candidate should explore an MBA.

That MBA will also make him very conversational in other functions that go into measuring the impact of those supply chains. He might want to get exposed to functions such as Finance, marketing, and General management. He might even need training on Leadership and Organizational behaviour.

MBA programme progresses with the speed of light

An MBA programme progresses with the speed of light. Before you jump into it, it will make a lot of sense to get an idea of the companies you want to work with. It is also imperative to find out the kind of roles you want to play in those organisations.

This will really bring in a very new perspective before you waste your money on an unwanted MBA programme. One should think, introspect, and really understand what is it that you want from an MBA programme or if you even want an MBA?

An MBA is not about getting a functional understanding of Finance, spending time on books, and building spreadsheets and showing up somewhere as a manager.

These are the necessary tools that are needed to work your way up.

However, what an MBA does is much more than what one currently conspires in his or her mind.

-Article by Jatin Bhandari, Founder and CEO of PythaGURUS Education Pvt. Ltd.

If you have a child studying in the final year of undergrads, chances are that you know he has started accumulating resources to prepare himself for the next stage of entrance examinations. It is very acceptable for our society to see students jump from Engineering to B-School campuses.

There is a mindset that encourages students to treat education as a necessary chore and get over with it while they are in the middle of it.

The author who has an experience of working with a diverse group of professionals believes that the student majority is not aware of its reasons for doing an MBA.

Lack of awareness:

Many of us want to jump into a B-School just to get out of the LIMBO we are in right now. Jumping from an unknown to another unknown? Will that really help?

How would it feel if you two years on MBA and woke up with the same pattern of "I am still not sure what is it that I want"?

The conventional model of "I have no idea what is it that I want from an MBA. I do not even know what exists out there. But I want to be a manager and earn more money" has not worked for us.

Instead of thinking of an MBA as a necessary hurdle, you should explore "How to construct an MBA into the scheme of events of your life?" "How to really create a space for MBA in your lives?"

The author has simply put it this way: Look at the following equation

Past + MBA = Short Term (5 years) + Long Term (6 to 15 years).

Here`s why you should pursue an MBA:

One should pursue MBA in order to complement existing skill sets, and the only way to evaluate one`s existing skill sets is to work for 4 to 5 years before starting your education in business. During professional experiences, people come across moments that inspire them to build an expertise. That expertise will enable them to fulfil their short-term ambition.

For example:

Someone working for supply chain in Maruti realizes after three years that Supply Chains are more complex than the simple procurement systems in these companies.

He might feel like getting exposed to the plethora of parameters that make supply chain very optimised. He might even consider starting a career with Walmart, Dell, Nokia, Amazon (World`s most optimized supply chains).

To get to this stage, this candidate should explore an MBA.

That MBA will also make him very conversational in other functions that go into measuring the impact of those supply chains. He might want to get exposed to functions such as Finance, marketing, and General management. He might even need training on Leadership and Organizational behaviour.

MBA programme progresses with the speed of light

An MBA programme progresses with the speed of light. Before you jump into it, it will make a lot of sense to get an idea of the companies you want to work with. It is also imperative to find out the kind of roles you want to play in those organisations.

This will really bring in a very new perspective before you waste your money on an unwanted MBA programme. One should think, introspect, and really understand what is it that you want from an MBA programme or if you even want an MBA?

An MBA is not about getting a functional understanding of Finance, spending time on books, and building spreadsheets and showing up somewhere as a manager.

These are the necessary tools that are needed to work your way up.

However, what an MBA does is much more than what one currently conspires in his or her mind.

-Article by Jatin Bhandari, Founder and CEO of PythaGURUS Education Pvt. Ltd.

If you have a child studying in the final year of undergrads, chances are that you know he has started accumulating resources to prepare himself for the next stage of entrance examinations. It is very acceptable for our society to see students jump from Engineering to B-School campuses.

There is a mindset that encourages students to treat education as a necessary chore and get over with it while they are in the middle of it.

The author who has an experience of working with a diverse group of professionals believes that the student majority is not aware of its reasons for doing an MBA.

Lack of awareness:

Many of us want to jump into a B-School just to get out of the LIMBO we are in right now. Jumping from an unknown to another unknown? Will that really help?

How would it feel if you two years on MBA and woke up with the same pattern of "I am still not sure what is it that I want"?

The conventional model of "I have no idea what is it that I want from an MBA. I do not even know what exists out there. But I want to be a manager and earn more money" has not worked for us.

Instead of thinking of an MBA as a necessary hurdle, you should explore "How to construct an MBA into the scheme of events of your life?" "How to really create a space for MBA in your lives?"

The author has simply put it this way: Look at the following equation

Past + MBA = Short Term (5 years) + Long Term (6 to 15 years).

Here`s why you should pursue an MBA:

One should pursue MBA in order to complement existing skill sets, and the only way to evaluate one`s existing skill sets is to work for 4 to 5 years before starting your education in business. During professional experiences, people come across moments that inspire them to build an expertise. That expertise will enable them to fulfil their short-term ambition.

For example:

Someone working for supply chain in Maruti realizes after three years that Supply Chains are more complex than the simple procurement systems in these companies.

He might feel like getting exposed to the plethora of parameters that make supply chain very optimised. He might even consider starting a career with Walmart, Dell, Nokia, Amazon (World`s most optimized supply chains).

To get to this stage, this candidate should explore an MBA.

That MBA will also make him very conversational in other functions that go into measuring the impact of those supply chains. He might want to get exposed to functions such as Finance, marketing, and General management. He might even need training on Leadership and Organizational behaviour.

MBA programme progresses with the speed of light

An MBA programme progresses with the speed of light. Before you jump into it, it will make a lot of sense to get an idea of the companies you want to work with. It is also imperative to find out the kind of roles you want to play in those organisations.

This will really bring in a very new perspective before you waste your money on an unwanted MBA programme. One should think, introspect, and really understand what is it that you want from an MBA programme or if you even want an MBA?

An MBA is not about getting a functional understanding of Finance, spending time on books, and building spreadsheets and showing up somewhere as a manager.

These are the necessary tools that are needed to work your way up.

However, what an MBA does is much more than what one currently conspires in his or her mind.

-Article by Jatin Bhandari, Founder and CEO of PythaGURUS Education Pvt. Ltd.