Pregnant? Wanna give birth to a high-IQ baby? Do these 9 things!

| Tuesday | 11th April, 2017


Which pregnant mother-to be doesn’t want a, both mentally and physically, healthy baby?

However, only wanting doesn’t help, it needs certain efforts to contribute to you unborn’s IQ-level and intelligence.

NYOOOZ brings to you 9 ways in which pregnant mothers can stimulate their baby’s senses and help them in developing their brains differently.

1-      Stay on your toes!

 Staying fit and active is all the more important during pregnancy. Fight the urge to laze around and get off the couch if you want to make your baby smarter. While exercising your body secretes hormones that are good for the baby’s brain development. If you weren’t exercising before getting pregnant, stick to light weight exercises and brisk walks. It has been proven that mothers who are active during pregnancy have smarter children.


2-      Stimulate your baby!

 As the baby grows in his mother’s womb, he begins to hear and even respond to sound. He may not understand what you are saying but stimulating you baby by talking or even singing can help with baby’ brain development. You can even ask you partner to speak to your belly and feel the baby respond in return. From time to time listen to soothing music or even nursery rhymes. Music helps the baby to keep calm and even increase concentration power. Rubbing your belly gently is also a good stimulation for the baby. A baby, still in the womb, can feel your touch even and even has sense of smell. Try to smell fresh flowers, fruits and other such soothing fragrances whenever you can. These exercises will help with the baby’s brain stimulation.


3-      Check you thyroid levels regularly!

Thyroid is essential for the body. During pregnancy if your thyroid level is unstable it can affect the baby. Deficiency of thyroid in the mother can affect the intelligence quotient of the baby. Try to eat a well balanced and healthy diet which contains ample amount of sodium. Include iodized salt and yogurt in your diet in case you feel you not get the required amount of iodine in your diet.


4-      DO NOT ignore supplements!

During pregnancy your body needs extra nourishment. Though a wholesome meal will provide you with ample nutrition you must take additional supplements for the well-being of the baby and a smooth delivery. There are a lot of prenatal supplements available in the markets such as Vitamins and supplements containing folic acid. Both of these elements play a crucial role in the development of the brain cells of the baby. However, it is necessary that you consult your doctor before taking any supplements.


5-      Breastfeeding is the key!

The first six months are crucial for your baby. Since the baby is too young to eat anything, breastmilk becomes the sole source of nutrition. Breast milk is equipped to provide wholesome nourishment to your baby. Not only does it keep the baby healthy but also helps to increase brain strength. Even if you opt to feed your baby anything else, make sure you breast feed him at least once a day, unless there are some other reasons not to breastfeed.


6-      Manage your weight!

 There is a reason that a baby stays in the womb for whole 9 months. A fetus needs nourishment to grow and develop and achieves full maturity at the completion of 9 months. Premature delivery is often the cause of mental defects in the baby. One way to avoid premature delivery is to keep your body weight in check. Excessive weight of the mother often results in pre mature delivery. Hence make sure you don’t over eat and gain extra pounds.


7-      Sunbathe!

 It is common knowledge that the sun is the ultimate source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is extremely essential when you are pregnant. It makes your bones healthy and lack of it can cause preeclampsia during pregnancy. Preeclampsia not only affects the mother it can also cause stunted mental development in the baby. It could also cause Down Syndrome. The best time to soak up some Vitamin D is early morning when the sun rays aren’t too harsh.


8-      Stay stress free!
 Just like the unborn baby can hear sounds and feel the sensation of touch, it can even sense when the mother is tense or under stress. This can affect the unborn baby’s mental health.


9-      Eat healthy!
Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely essential for baby’s brain development. Make certain you include foods that have a good content of omega 3 such as fish in your diet. Iron found in leafy vegetables helps the flow of oxygen to the baby’s brain cells. Also include nuts such as almonds and walnuts in your diet during your pregnancy. Walnuts are essential for brain development of adults and babies alike. Almonds are a good source of niacin, protein and energy and helps in the overall brain development of the baby