Stay healthy with these monsoon friendly tips

| Thursday | 8th June, 2017


Monsoon, probably the best time of the year, giving you relief from the treacherous heat of summer and preparing you for the winter. With immense joy they bring infections and virus too, which requires you to be extra cautious.

Follow these tips to adore Monsoon and not stress out because of it.  

Increase your Vitamin C intake

Vitamin C boosts your immunity and helps fight back diseases. Increase your Vitamin C intake either in the form of food supplements or naturally. Citrus fruits are a good source of it and are a treat for your taste buds too.

Too much coffee can be unhealthy

It’s difficult to leave a warm cup of coffee on a rainy day, but too much coffee can alter your health. It tends to reduce the fluid count, dehydrating your body. Instead increase your water supplements to stay healthy.

Shower is a must if you’re soaked

After enjoying a shower in the rain, don’t sit back to listen to your favorite song. Hurry to take a shower and wash away all the bacteria that got stuck to you, before you catch any infection.

Stay away from mosquitos

Not only yours but rainy season is mosquito’s favorite too. Use mosquito repellents and creams on regular basis to stay safe from mosquito bites and the diseases they bring alongside.

Clean the vegetables properly

Try to avoid leafy vegetables because the damped season often infects them. Or wash them thoroughly with clean water and cook them for a longer duration to kill any germs or bacteria if left.

Be the kid and enjoy the rainy season to its fullest, but don’t forget to be cautious and stay healthy. Happy rains!