World Sleep Day: Know the art to sleep better

| Friday | 16th March, 2018


Doesn’t it feel good, to go back to bed after a long tiring day? Well, it definitely does. After all the day sucks up all the energy, your mind is tired and your body needs rest too. But often it happens that you’re not able to sleep, well a lot many factors can be responsible for it. Maybe your bed linen, the clothes you’re wearing and even the food you had before sleeping can be responsible for the same.

Well, you can sleep better and have a sound sleep with these doable things and fall asleep quickly

Take a warm bath before bed

A warm bath helps you relax your body, it soothes out anxiety and helps you have a calmer self. It also good, as it flushes out all the toxins we have collected throughout the day, as we travel to different places.

Sleep with your clothes off

According to Scientist, when a person sleeps nudes, their body temperature is regulated. The warmth of the blanket and the soft sheets and pillow manages the cool and the warm temperature needed for the body.  Also cover your feet, for cold feet may keep you awake through the night. In case you’re uncomfortable sleeping with clothes off, you can wear loose cotton clothes.

Bas sleeping posture can be a problem

If you’re not sleeping in a good position, you may not have a sound sleep, because your systems are hampered and the discomfort may break the sleep cycle. It is advisable to keep your body in mid-line position keeping your head, neck and body in line. One should avoid sleeping on the stomach for it causes aches and pains.

Keep a good pillow

A perfect pillow is a rare thing, for if you like your pillow thin your head falls back, which can give you a nasty headache. And if your pillow is too stuffed, you can strain your neck. Don’t sleep by placing your head at an angle.

Make an ambience worth sleeping

Bright light can be one of the major hindrances in your sleep cycle. Therefore make an ambience that is suitable for sleeping. For instance turn off the light, switch off the television or loud music. If you live with others who sleep late at night or need light in the late hours, start using an eye mask.

Well, this World Sleep Day, feel good if somebody calls you lazy for sleeping more than usual.