Make the Perfect Cup of Hot Chocolate! Three Different Ways

| Monday | 11th January, 2021


It’s freezing outside, all one can think of is a hot wonderful delicacy that warms up the body from inside and is full of gooey goodness. If these sounds like a great winter treat for you, we have a delightful idea for.

Most people around will claim to have the perfect recipe for a Hot Chocolate with specific ingredients, failing to have any would not give up to the mark results. Here is where we disagree.

There is no set rule to make a perfect Hot chocolate other than the fact that it needs to taste delicious.

So, we have made a list of three different methods, from super easy –takes-two-minutes-to-make recipe to the elaborate fancy Hot chocolate and we guarantee all of them are equally delicious.

1. Easy To Make Hot Chocolate

This recipe was developed after days of measuring and remeasuring the same three ingredients, I could afford to have in my college hostel dorm. Almost always broke but never ready to give up on food, I decided to make my Hot Chocolate. After watching hours of elaborate recipes I decided none that involved a pan and stove would work for me.

All you will need is:

Pour milk and sugar and boil it (I had water kettle but you can use stove or microwave). Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix until everything is dissolved. This one is rich and smooth and surprisingly on one will know there isn’t any chocolate bar in there.

2. The Hot Chocolate

The Classic Hot Chocolate, super simple to make and enjoy on any winter day!

This decadent Hot chocolate will steal your heart. Relatively easy to make, Pour in some milk in the pan, add the chopped chocolate, cocoa powder, sugar and coffee powder. Let the milk come to a light boil, add in the salt and Cornflour and keep stirring the mixture until it thickens. Corn flour is a great hack to make the hot chocolate reach its right consistency but remember to stick to the measurements and cook the drink properly to avoid the powdery taste.

3. The Fancy Spiced up Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow toppings

I would be lying if I didn’t confess, my obsession with hot chocolate started from Oswald, where Henry would ask for Two marshmallows in his Hot Chocolate. Now, one can add it to any hot chocolate but if it looks fancy, it must taste fancy too!

First, add the heavy cream and milk in a pan with the chocolate, then stir the mixture until it reaches the consistency. Add in the rest of the ingredients except for Marshmallow, stir it for a minute or two and pour it in a cup. Top it up with the marshmallows and Viola.