| Saturday | 5th September, 2020


Teacher are sharing window of knowledge by screen, it’s now a new normal for everyone. Online meet turned into 4 room virtual classroom. The guidance and knowledge is getting flowed to us through online. Our teachers are not lacking at any place and also try to improve us. Board or screen, efforts and knowledge of the teacher remain same.  They   are getting themselves equipped with technology especially older teacher so that they share common ground with students.

Looking at a screen hearing your teacher voice, we might   not pay attention to  them but teacher gave their whole time to still screen .Meetings & lecture   from 9 to 5 they are  stuck in screen. Online classes are  numbing   for both teacher & student  but the whole lot of  efforts is taken by a teacher.

We wish happy teachers day but we hardly make the happy .In recent news we were hearing incident of student disrespecting their teacher online by making mock of them. Where on other hand teacher are taking initiatives for those students who are deprived   of internet facility.  In Sanskrit, Guru Word is made of two root words. Gu means darkness, and Ru means remover. The teacher is the remover of darkness and is the harbinger of guru enlightenment. Don’t forget the age old dictum

Next time when you join the online classes remember you are not paying for screen time but for teacher knowledge. So next time when you say sorry mam not able to hear you or mam connection issue in fun, remember this attitude may create a hindrance in your education.



Teacher are sharing window of knowledge by screen, it’s now a new normal for everyone. Online meet turned into 4 room virtual classroom. The guidance and knowledge is getting flowed to us through online. Our teachers are not lacking at any place and also try to improve us. Board or screen, efforts and knowledge of the teacher remain same.  They   are getting themselves equipped with technology especially older teacher so that they share common ground with students.

Looking at a screen hearing your teacher voice, we might   not pay attention to  them but teacher gave their whole time to still screen .Meetings & lecture   from 9 to 5 they are  stuck in screen. Online classes are  numbing   for both teacher & student  but the whole lot of  efforts is taken by a teacher.

We wish happy teachers day but we hardly make the happy .In recent news we were hearing incident of student disrespecting their teacher online by making mock of them. Where on other hand teacher are taking initiatives for those students who are deprived   of internet facility.  In Sanskrit, Guru Word is made of two root words. Gu means darkness, and Ru means remover. The teacher is the remover of darkness and is the harbinger of guru enlightenment. Don’t forget the age old dictum

Next time when you join the online classes remember you are not paying for screen time but for teacher knowledge. So next time when you say sorry mam not able to hear you or mam connection issue in fun, remember this attitude may create a hindrance in your education.