Having ‘self identity crises’? Well, travelling might be your answer

| Monday | 7th May, 2018


You have a job, a friend in need, a pet to look after and a loving family still having troubles with yourself? If you’re not in the best of your moods and you feel dejected with things around you, you needn’t panic. For this happens to everybody. With time, you tend to feel lost and courtesy your monotonous schedule, you aren’t able to guess it.

Looking for ways to "find" yourself? Well, you’re at the right place for a new study suggests your answer could be moving to a new country.

It can be considered as a counter-intuitive: going overseas to a foreign country where you are not familiar with things and everything is new, and that is the point when you’ll feel lost in the apparent sense.

And as per a recent study published in the journal "Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes," the variation between those who have made the big leap and lived abroad, and those who never have, is a clearer sense of self.

Performed by social scientists at Rice University, Columbia University and the University of North Carolina, the study included 1,874 participants recruited from online panels and international MBA programs who completed surveys about their experiences living abroad.

Participants who had never left the US also completed the questionnaires.

Researchers concluded that participants who had lived in another country had a clear advantage over their counterparts, boasting a better grasp of their identity and beliefs.

The findings also put forward that the length of time (defined as depth) has a more thoughtful impact on a person`s "self-concept clarity" over the number of foreign countries a person has lived in (defined as breadth).

The longer people live abroad, the more self-discerning reflections they accumulate and, as a result, the more likely they are to develop a better understanding of themselves and have increased clarity about career decision-making, says the study.

So now you have another reason to pack your bags and heed a travel plan.