Healthy eating and lifestyle tips for your kids

| Thursday | 8th December, 2016


Growing up kids need to eat nutritious food but that’s easier said than done. The daunting task of making kids eat nutritious food at the same time making sure that they avoid unhealthy diet is every parent’s nightmare. A decline in physical activity, coupled with eating too much, too often is the simple explanation for the rise in childhood obesity. Prevention is easier than cure, so here are some feeding rules which will help you raise healthy children, for life.
1.       Parents needs to set example
If you want your children to eat healthy and nutritious food, then you need to set a good example. That means no hidden treats, soft drink in the fridge or different food rules for parents - the whole family needs to eat well, including dad!

2.       Engage in activity, it’s as important as food intake
The current generation of kids is engrossed in video games and indoor activity rather than engaging themselves in outdoor games or sports. Parents have to make sure that their children move for at least an hour each day, not only do they have less time to eat, they are also far less likely to have a weight issue.

 3.       Knowing when to eat and when not to
The body needs at least 2-3 hours in between meals to allow for digestion and to allow the sensation of hunger and fullness to work. It’s important to keep relatively structured meal times so that children learn that there are times to eat during the day and times not to.

 4.       Carbohydrates should be the best quality possible
Children should be eating low GI carbohydrates where possible such as grain bread and whole grain breakfast cereals such as oats. Long-term studies have shown that weight control is supported by low GI eating patterns.

 5.       Water not Soda
Everyone knows the importance of water, therefore, it should be the only drink for children. Soft drinks, juice and cordial are high in sugar with little other nutrition and are not appropriate for children.

 6.       Treats need to be included regularly
Complete deprivation leads to food obsession, stealing and over consumption. Include a weekly treat and canteen trip and the kids will be happy to eat healthy, balanced meals the rest of the time. Examples of portion controlled treats include a fun sized chocolate, small packet of potato chips or a fast food meal.

 7.       Limit TV and computer time.
When you do, you`ll avoid mindless snacking and encourage activity. Research has shown that kids who cut down on TV-watching also reduced their percentage of body fat.

 8.       Monitor their growth regularly.
Weight and measure your child every 3 months, this way increases in weight can be monitored and managed early.