How to take care of your Feet if you stand all day

| Wednesday | 20th May, 2020

Standing all day is the new smoking. Sitting all day can do a number on your bones, muscles, and body. But so can standing all day. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology, jobs that require you to stand all day can be a lot worse for your health than jobs that require you to sit. 

The findings of this study are hardly surprising. Prolonged standing can lead to a whole host of health problems that manifest gradually over the years. The most common issues experienced by individuals that have to be on their feet all day include varicose veins, back pain, clogged arteries, and night cramps. 

All these issues are enough to make you think twice before buying that running desk you’ve been coveting on Amazon. People who are on their feet all day are at an elevated risk of developing heart-related diseases. As such, if you have a job that calls for you to stand all day, whether you are a cook, clerk, machine operator, or even a mum, these elevated risks are things that you should be aware of.

The solution? Taking better care of your feet can help to bring common foot problems to an end. A pair of high-quality shoes that offer you great support can also go a long way. However, sometimes you need a lot more than a supportive pair of shoes to truly give your feet the care they deserve. 

What happens to you when you stand all day?

As you’ve probably observed, your feet start to hurt after standing for prolonged periods. Even if you have a comfortable pair of shoes on, you may still experience soreness as well as swelling in your calves and ankles. When you stand all day, your lower body is forced to work harder to pump blood back to your heart, which is what typically causes the swelling and aching.

Try and think of it this way- what would typically be a quick delivery of oxygen-filled blood and nutrients is slowed down significantly by some sort of traffic jam when you are on your feet. When this happens, your lower limbs become fatigued a lot faster, which consequently causes cramping and swelling to develop.

You may not be able to give up your career or job as a result of swollen feet. However, there are some things that you can do to take care of your feet both at work and when you get home. Here are some tips to help you take care of your feet if you stand all day:

Carry a tennis ball with you to work

If there is absolutely nothing that you can do to reduce your standing time at work, consider carrying a tennis ball with you to work. Keep it stashed somewhere in your office locker or bag. Whenever you feel your legs cramping up, place the ball underneath your feet and roll it back and forth.

The pressure from the ball will massage your muscles, causing them to stretch and lengthen, which is exactly what you need after standing all day. When you get home, you can also use a foam roller to stretch and lengthen your muscles, as well as your thighs and calve.

Get high-quality soles

Aside from investing in comfortable shoes, adding the right insoles for your feet is also another straightforward remedy for foot problems that develop from standing all day. You will need to look for an insole that can offer you more comfort and increased flexibility. The best insoles for achy and painful feet are performance insoles as they are designed to provide relief from pressure and can suit a wide array of jobs and situations.

Insoles that are designed to offer shock absorption are also ideal for workers that find themselves on their feet all day. These types of insoles are created using gel technology that provides the wearer extra cushioning that allows one to stand all day in demanding work environments and hard surfaces without feeling the effects too much.

Stretch more often

Stretching is one of the most important things you can do to remedy the effects of standing all day. You don’t need a fancy gadget to do it; stretching is something that you can do anywhere, anytime- even when you are on duty at work. For instance, stretching your Achilles tendon by placing your foot flat on the floor will help your muscles and tendons relax.

Simple yoga exercises can also help to increase blood flow to the sore area of your foot. You could also try touching your toes or shifting your weight back and forth to relieve any pressure. You may not have a lot of space or time to try extensive exercises (leave those for when you get home) but doing simple movements will allow you to stretch while being productive.

Practice standing up

In addition to buying quality shoes and insoles, you also have to maintain good posture to avoid problems with your feet and back. You should strive to maintain a proper posture all the time while at work, which means keeping your back straight, stomach tucked, and head level. Your arms and legs should also be loose. 

Try not to overcompensate for your poor posture by arching your back for too long as it will cause you to develop further aches and pains. To practice good posture, try standing before a full-length mirror and observe your reflection to rectify any mistakes you may be making.

Final Thoughts

A lot of jobs today require workers to be on their feet for the better part of the day. Jobs such as masons, bank tellers, and clerks, waiters, security guards, chefs; the list goes on and on. If you don’t want to be crippled by excessive foot pain, the good news is that there are things that you can do to remedy the situation.

There are products and techniques that you could put to use if you want to lessen the burden of being on your feet all day long. Don’t let sore feet and body aches be the thing that makes you less motivated to get up in the morning. These tips above should help you so that you can deal with the consequences of being on your feet all day.

There are products and techniques that you could put to use if you want to lessen the burden of being on your feet all day long. Don’t let sore feet and body aches be the thing that makes you less motivated to get up in the morning. These tips above should help you so that you can deal with the consequences of being on your feet all day.