Kiss Day: Biological changes that your body undergoes while kissing

| Monday | 12th February, 2018


Kissing is probably the most intimate emotion to express love and is not limited to a day in Valentine’s week. Kissing is probably one of the best ways to tell your partner how much you love him/her.

Apart from burning calories and releasing tension, turns out that there is a lot more about kissing that you might want to know.

Here are some interesting things you didn’t know about kissing that will make you look at kissing from a new light.

Kissing boosts lifeline:

According to a study, men who kiss their wives almost daily are said to live longer than men who don’t, a reason good enough to start your day with a kiss to your partner.

Kissing keeps you positive and stress-free:

Kissing releases goof hormones, endorphins and oxytocin and thus it will keep you happy and stress-free. So whenever you feel low, grab your partner and just kiss.

Couples exchange at least 80 million microbes kissing:

Exchange of saliva is also the gateway to the exchange of 80 million germs. That is a lot more than that when entering a public bathroom. But will that really stop you from kissing? Kissing never made you fall ill!

Kissing helps you build a stronger immune system:

Exchange of microbes boosts the immune system. You will more likely to stay away from any kind of illness if you kiss often. You will stay healthier if you kiss your partner more and harder. Replace your health drinks and juices with a lot more kissing.

Kissing can foretell your relationship:

Kissing compatibility is an important thing. You cannot stay with a partner you do not like kissing you. If you have been complaining about your partner’s kissing and kissing antics, you know what to understand out of it.

So when you are busy closing your eyes and kissing, you might have never even dreamt of what all was happening to your body in the process.