Natural remedies to ditch Sun Tan this Summer

| Friday | 6th April, 2018


The scorching heat of the summers are back and the sun is right there to blind your eayes and gift you with skin dullness, tan and early signs of ageing.

If you are planning to beat the sun by running to heal retreat, you are folling your skin. The sun tanning takes place even at hill stations without your knowing and when you come back from the vacation and look up to the mirror you notice the differences.

Exposure to sun`s harmful UV rays can trigger a variety of skin condition. Sun burn or sun tan is one of the most common summer hassle. If you are headed outdoors, make sure you have amply applied sun block creams. This would help protect your skin from sun`s harmful UV rays.

There are couple of home remedies that could help remove the tan too.

1. Tomato face pack

The fiery red citrus piece of goodness not just adds loads of flavour, colour and tanginess to your food but also works wonders for your skin complexion. Got a nasty sun tan? Take three table spoon of tomato pulp, and add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of yogurt. Mix them well. Apply the pack, and let it rest for twenty minutes. If making a face pack is time consuming, just dip a slice of tomato with honey and brush your entire face with it. Leave it on your face for some time and the difference will be noticeable after washing it off.

2. Coconut Water and Sandalwood Pack

Coconut water is laden with antioxidants. It works wonders for dehydration and hangovers. Mix coconut water with one tablespoon of sandalwood powder to make a thick mixture and apply it all over the face. The cleansing and cooling properties of sandalwood and coconut would not only help get rid of the tan but also provide instant relief.

3. Lemon Juice

A pinch of lemon juice can come in handy for a host of your summer woes. The citrus rich fruit has natural bleaching properties, which may help lighten the tan. You can apply lemon juice by mixing it with honey or gram flour on the tanned skin and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before washing off the face.

4. Buttermilk or Malai

Buttermilk is a popular drink to beat summers. It detoxifies your system. The healing property of buttermilk help repair burning skin. Curd has natural bleaching properties which can help lighten the tan. Don`t have buttermilk? No problem, applying malai or milk cream on the tanned area could also give effective results.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera wonderfully can take care of  sun burn. You can apply the jelly that comes out of the leaf directly on the burnt area, at least twice a day. The anti-inflammatory properties present in the aloevera extract helps reduce swelling and calm skin irritation caused by the burn.

These ingredients are natural and safe tips, you can call yourself truly summer ready.