Simple remedies to cure a nasty hangover

| Thursday | 8th December, 2016


Drinking is fun but hangover can leave you feeling sick and outright crap. There’s no particular solution to fix all the symptoms of a hangover but few things can help you ease the problem.
1. Water
 Water is essential, H2O is a must to cure a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic and can cause dehydration. Make sure to drink something other than booze throughout the night. Slip a glass of water in between every drink you have.

2. Coffee
 Coffee can treat both headache and migraines but if you take coffee to cure a hangover, be sure to drink water as studies suggest  caffeine causes dehydration.

3. Eat light- Toast and crackers
  Eat crackers, toast, or other mild-flavoured carbohydrates. These foods help your body soak up the alcohol in your system. Avoid  foods that are acidic or spicy, since they are more difficult for your body to digest.

4. Sports drink
Water will help and is important but isotonic drinks like Lucozade Sport and Powerade go another step. These can work wonders on hangovers, as they’re designed to replace sugars and salts quickly. They’ll give you energy and rehydrate you.

5. Sleep
One of the side effects of drinking is the disruption of your sleep cycle, which is one of the reasons you still feel a bit pants even if you did get a decent amount of sleep. Getting a few more hours of sleep will have you feeling better in no time.