There are 6 types of pimples and each needs to be treated differently

| Thursday | 4th January, 2018


Don’t we hate pimples as these nasty devils sprang up right at the moment when we are trying the hardest to look our best? That panic struck moment when we could feel that bump coming to us rapidly, we keep looking for ways to stop it there in the midway. We regret having street food or keep blaming the pollution for them. But there are a number of factors that cause pimples.

Well before treating your pimples, it’s important to know their type and what category they fall into. After understanding the same you can take the guidance from your dermatologist and have a flawless skin.

1. Blackheads

At some point or another, you`ve definitely spotted a blackhead, isn’t it? it is characterised by a black covering on top of a pimple. Blackheads are known as open comedones, for apart from the seed, the pimple is open. They come under the non-inflammatory type of acne as they frequently don`t swell much.

2. Whiteheads

In whiteheads, the white seed blocks the top of a pimple and therefore, they are also identified as closed comedones. They are sealed off from the rest of the skin, whiteheads are tougher to take care of than other forms of acne.

3. Papules

You can identify papules as mini bump which appears in patches like a rash on your skin. They are caused when pore walls break down, leaving them hard to touch and generally red and swollen around the affected area.

4. Nodules

Unlike most acne strains, nodules take place deep below the surface of the skin and look like large, swollen bumps. Nodules don`t generally contain pus and feel hard when touched. Being acutely rooted in the skin treating nodules becomes tough and can require oral medication as prescribed by a dermatologist.

5. Pustules

This type of acne abrasions is characterised by a pus-filled centre which is yellowish to white in colour. Even though it can be very tempting to pop pustules and get rid of the devil once and for all, but you need to stop yourself this could lead to severe bacterial infection and scarring.

6. Cysts

One of the most severe forms of acne is cysts. They are formed deep below the skin and frequently come out inflamed and filled with pus. Cysts can be exceedingly painful as the skin develops tender when retaining pus. Depending on the depth of the cysts, they are treated by a skin specialist through lancing, medication or pus removal.

So now remember that you don’t have pick abrasions on your skin, they could be really nasty.

Don’t we hate pimples as these nasty devils sprang up right at the moment when we are trying the hardest to look our best? That panic struck moment when we could feel that bump coming to us rapidly, we keep looking for ways to stop it there in the midway. We regret having street food or keep blaming the pollution for them. But there are a number of factors that cause pimples.

Well before treating your pimples, it’s important to know their type and what category they fall into. After understanding the same you can take the guidance from your dermatologist and have a flawless skin.

1. Blackheads

At some point or another, you`ve definitely spotted a blackhead, isn’t it? it is characterised by a black covering on top of a pimple. Blackheads are known as open comedones, for apart from the seed, the pimple is open. They come under the non-inflammatory type of acne as they frequently don`t swell much.

2. Whiteheads

In whiteheads, the white seed blocks the top of a pimple and therefore, they are also identified as closed comedones. They are sealed off from the rest of the skin, whiteheads are tougher to take care of than other forms of acne.

3. Papules

You can identify papules as mini bump which appears in patches like a rash on your skin. They are caused when pore walls break down, leaving them hard to touch and generally red and swollen around the affected area.

4. Nodules

Unlike most acne strains, nodules take place deep below the surface of the skin and look like large, swollen bumps. Nodules don`t generally contain pus and feel hard when touched. Being acutely rooted in the skin treating nodules becomes tough and can require oral medication as prescribed by a dermatologist.

5. Pustules

This type of acne abrasions is characterised by a pus-filled centre which is yellowish to white in colour. Even though it can be very tempting to pop pustules and get rid of the devil once and for all, but you need to stop yourself this could lead to severe bacterial infection and scarring.

6. Cysts

One of the most severe forms of acne is cysts. They are formed deep below the skin and frequently come out inflamed and filled with pus. Cysts can be exceedingly painful as the skin develops tender when retaining pus. Depending on the depth of the cysts, they are treated by a skin specialist through lancing, medication or pus removal.

So now remember that you don’t have pick abrasions on your skin, they could be really nasty.