3 Ways to Have Fun and Make Money from Home

| Monday | 29th June, 2020


I’ve include such varied items as working as a virtual personal assistant, leveraging your poker skills at secure sites as the ones on this list, and working as a customer service representative. 

Virtual PA

Every busy businessperson inevitably misses some calls and meetings because he or she is overloaded, mentally and timewise. This is why there is a burgeoning Personal Assistant (PA) industry. 

A PA (sometimes called a “VA,” for “virtual assistant”) can keep an organized calendar, remind the boss of upcoming events, ensure that invoices are sent, and payments are coming in on time and properly deposited. 

A virtual PA does not need to be in the same city, or even the same country, as their employer. India and the Philippines are hotspots for the virtual PA industry.

To be an effective PA, you’ll need a high-speed internet connection and a secure way of sharing documents, such as DropBox. You will also need to be able to use whichever conference calling app your boss prefers, which could be Zoom or Skype or another option. 

This job is fun if you work for an employer across the globe. The time difference means you’ll be working in the evening, so you’ll have the full day to yourself. 

If you are a naturally organized person, this position may be ideal for you. If you could use a PA yourself, you may want to consider one of the other listed options. 

Play Online Poker

It is said by those who know the game well that poker is not a game of chance, it is a game of skill. A solid foundation in mathematics doesn’t hurt, either, since one’s odds of winning have to do with which cards the other players are likely to hold. 

Other players who are successful at poker are those who can “read” the other players. Can you feel whether or not another player is bluffing? Can you sense when there is tension, or glee, as a player surveys their cards? Top poker players consider themselves amateur psychologists, and love reading their opponents as much as their own cards. 

Casino-style poker playing has become so popular of late that the World Series of Poker, held annually in Las Vegas, attracts players from 100 nations. If you know your royal flush from your full house, and if you are sensible enough to know when to fold and bow out of a game so that you can play another day, then this may be the option for you.

If you have the skills and interest in poker that make you a fairly consistent winner, then you can take advantage of the many online poker games run by reputable online gambling sites. Of course, you must be sure to use a site that is well-vetted for security. Fortunately, there are several that fit the bill.

Some online poker games even use live dealers, to give you the “casino feel.” Shop around among the top online poker sites to find the one that appeals to you and give it a try for a week or two to get a feel for your luck. 

Customer Service Representative

I am not talking about working in a call center, with hundreds of others around you. Companies such as Amazon and Visa are using customer service representatives who work from their own homes. Wayfair, the online furniture sales site, also uses work-at-home customer reps.

Working for an American company will, naturally, require skill in speaking the English language. Working for a company within India will require facility with Hindi as well as the regional language of the state you are supporting (Tamil in Tamil Nadu, Malayalam in Kerala, Marathi in Maharashtra, etc.).

The way this position can be enjoyable is that you can be at home with family while you are “at work.” Anyone with young children or elderly, dependent parents will find ease in being able to keep an eye on loved ones while still making an income. 

A Final Word

Employees who work from home are generally paid via direct deposit. Thus, you’ll need an account at a nationally recognized bank to receive your paycheck. 

Steer away from work from home “opportunities” that require you to buy a training manual. These are often scams and do not lead to paid work. 

Because businesses want to cut overhead and get rid of pricey real estate, more and more companies want employees to work from home. Rather than being a cutthroat market, the opportunities to work from home are actually expanding. 

I’ve include such varied items as working as a virtual personal assistant, leveraging your poker skills at secure sites as the ones on this list, and working as a customer service representative. 

Virtual PA

Every busy businessperson inevitably misses some calls and meetings because he or she is overloaded, mentally and timewise. This is why there is a burgeoning Personal Assistant (PA) industry. 

A PA (sometimes called a “VA,” for “virtual assistant”) can keep an organized calendar, remind the boss of upcoming events, ensure that invoices are sent, and payments are coming in on time and properly deposited. 

A virtual PA does not need to be in the same city, or even the same country, as their employer. India and the Philippines are hotspots for the virtual PA industry.

To be an effective PA, you’ll need a high-speed internet connection and a secure way of sharing documents, such as DropBox. You will also need to be able to use whichever conference calling app your boss prefers, which could be Zoom or Skype or another option. 

This job is fun if you work for an employer across the globe. The time difference means you’ll be working in the evening, so you’ll have the full day to yourself. 

If you are a naturally organized person, this position may be ideal for you. If you could use a PA yourself, you may want to consider one of the other listed options. 

Play Online Poker

It is said by those who know the game well that poker is not a game of chance, it is a game of skill. A solid foundation in mathematics doesn’t hurt, either, since one’s odds of winning have to do with which cards the other players are likely to hold. 

Other players who are successful at poker are those who can “read” the other players. Can you feel whether or not another player is bluffing? Can you sense when there is tension, or glee, as a player surveys their cards? Top poker players consider themselves amateur psychologists, and love reading their opponents as much as their own cards. 

Casino-style poker playing has become so popular of late that the World Series of Poker, held annually in Las Vegas, attracts players from 100 nations. If you know your royal flush from your full house, and if you are sensible enough to know when to fold and bow out of a game so that you can play another day, then this may be the option for you.

If you have the skills and interest in poker that make you a fairly consistent winner, then you can take advantage of the many online poker games run by reputable online gambling sites. Of course, you must be sure to use a site that is well-vetted for security. Fortunately, there are several that fit the bill.

Some online poker games even use live dealers, to give you the “casino feel.” Shop around among the top online poker sites to find the one that appeals to you and give it a try for a week or two to get a feel for your luck. 

Customer Service Representative

I am not talking about working in a call center, with hundreds of others around you. Companies such as Amazon and Visa are using customer service representatives who work from their own homes. Wayfair, the online furniture sales site, also uses work-at-home customer reps.

Working for an American company will, naturally, require skill in speaking the English language. Working for a company within India will require facility with Hindi as well as the regional language of the state you are supporting (Tamil in Tamil Nadu, Malayalam in Kerala, Marathi in Maharashtra, etc.).

The way this position can be enjoyable is that you can be at home with family while you are “at work.” Anyone with young children or elderly, dependent parents will find ease in being able to keep an eye on loved ones while still making an income. 

A Final Word

Employees who work from home are generally paid via direct deposit. Thus, you’ll need an account at a nationally recognized bank to receive your paycheck. 

Steer away from work from home “opportunities” that require you to buy a training manual. These are often scams and do not lead to paid work. 

Because businesses want to cut overhead and get rid of pricey real estate, more and more companies want employees to work from home. Rather than being a cutthroat market, the opportunities to work from home are actually expanding.