Technological trends in Education that will revolutionize 2018

| Tuesday | 2nd January, 2018


The Indian education sector is going through a tumultuous time when breakthrough rulings by the Supreme Court, HRD Ministry are changing the landscape of education in India. Recent landmark judgments on the age limit of NEET 2017, cancelling technical degrees acquired by distance education mode, the IIM Bill making the MBA Premiere institutes eligible to award degrees instead of diploma and many more.

If education trends are to be discussed there is a growing focus on achieving learning outcomes, while on the other, technology is being adopted quickly and content is being rewritten and redesigned to adapt to a variety of emerging media. Here are a few education trends that are catching up and is destined to rule in the coming years.

Web citizenship

Technology has become an unavoidable aspect of education. Using Google for a research project is no longer a luxury but the norm. Being a netizen is a safe opportunity for students to question, discuss and consider the safe and appropriate use of technology.

However, parents and schools have limited control over how students partake in social media that is making children victim to cyber bullies and lethal games like the Blue Whale. ; hence, educating students on why and how to create a positive digital footprint that they are proud of is essential to any educational curriculum.

Making education more interactive

Thanks to learning apps, education is no more confined to classrooms and notebooks. Learning apps are almost replacing teachers and making education fun and interactive. It is not a one-way communication as one may think it is to be. Students and ask questions to the tutors online and will get their queries answered. The discussion thread that runs along with a tutorial gives an entire classroom ambience without the strictness of a real class.

 Encouraging teamwork helps develop communication and problem-solving skills in a cooperative way and provides children with the opportunity to present their solutions in their own way while receiving feedback from other class members.

Online assessment

Assessments are at the crux of education. With Board exams coming back to the scene and admission to every course backed by an entrance examination it has become very important for students to have periodic formative assessments.  With new forms of technology-mediated assessments have enabled a big shift from fixed-in-point summative assessments, which are today at the core of the learning process, to more continuous and adaptive formative assessments.

The ability to store historical assessment data and compare progress over time can be used to establish a trend and also draw inferences on the learners` progress in the context of learning and study the periodic improvement better.

 Integrating creativity in hard sciences

Science is no longer an obsolete subject that has its application only during the examination. Science is being made as something that has its reflection in our lives with the help of infographics.  

Creating this shift helps students see science in everything that we do, be it to think about mathematical proportions when making pancakes to using different measurements for ingredients, time for measuring beats in music or even working on projects in English, social studies and science.