
Where there’s a Will there’s a way to disrupt the norm

| Wednesday | 9th January, 2019

Summary: Everyone expects to die. Yet more people do not have Wills than those who have. Whether it is the cost of having a Will done with a lawyer, the need to set aside time to get a Will made, the need for an appointment, the fact is that most people know a Will is important but they have yet to make theirs. The result is that too many people die without a Will (intestate), and that leaves an enormous headache for next of kin. Once a person sees the unexpected consequences of intestacy (such as the sale of a family home just to be able to pay out the share of a beneficiary) no one would want to see someone die intestate. This is why one Singaporean online entity, called ezWills, came about – not only to disrupt a cosy corner of legal practice but to avoid those unfortunate circumstances. The point of difference ezWills was created so that people no longer have an excuse not to have their Will done. It was designed to be easy to use, convenient, accessible and affordable. The aim was to allow users the ability to access the site not just on desktop PCs but on mobile phones and tablets. The target was to allow a user (with the necessary identifying details of executors or guardians such as names and addresses) to start and complete the making of a Will within 15 to 20 minutes of a train ride ready to have it downloaded upon reaching home or office for signing that same day. For example, someone being told by an employer on a Saturday morning to go to Syria urgently can still have their Will completed, printed and signed before boarding the plane and without seeing a lawyer. With ezWills there are no lengthy complicated instructions written in legalese to read, decipher and understand but just a series of simple questions to be answered. A complete Will is ready to be downloaded immediately. No waiting. But this solution may not be for everyone There is a disclaimer on the home page of ezWills says that the service is meant to be used by those whose circumstances are uncomplicated and who do not require specialised legal advice. People in second marriages or with both children and step children may not find ezWills appropriate. Likewise, anyone whose Wills may potentially be challenged should seriously consider using a lawyer to draw up their Will instead as using ezWills to do their Will as it only increases the chance of a challenge. Someone wanting to make a Will to provide for their 2nd ‘secret’ family (yes, they do exist) should also think again about using ezWills. It has been developed with fairly straightforward, nuclear family situations in mind and as the majority of people lead simple uncomplicated lives this could be the solution to a long felt need ie the need to get a Will done easily, quickly, cost effectively, conveniently. No fuss. So if you have been procrastinating, now is the time to put aside 15 minutes and just do it so you can rest in peace (no pun intended)! Likes