20 years after murder of 4 RSS workers, Tripura government to reopen case

Agartala | Monday | 23rd April, 2018


AGARTALA: Nearly 20 years after four RSS pracharaks were allegedly killed by National Liberation Front of Tripura NLFT ), the BJP-led Tripura government has constituted a special investigation team (SIT) to reopen the case. "We sensed a conspiracy behind the incident and constituted an SIT, headed by inspector Kamalendu Bhowmik - who is well-acquainted with the case - to re-investigate the case," chief minister Biplab Deb told TOI on Sunday.This comes weeks after the state government ordered a fresh probe into the killing of Congress panchayat chief Atish Choudhury, stabbed to death in 1993. Congress leaders had claimed CPM cadres were involved in the murder but the case had made no headway then.In the pracharaks' murder case, RSS had raised the demand for an independent inquiry several times but the state government, with the Left Front at the helm, had not acceded to the demand.The four workers - Shayamal Sengupta (zonal general secretary of West Bengal, Assam and the northeast), Sudhamay Dutta (area in charge of Agartala ), Dinendra Nath Dey (a pracharak working in southern Assam) and Shubhankar Chakraborty (district pracharak) - were abducted by NLFT in August 1999..