Misprinting, chapters missing from books supplied to primary schools

Agra | Friday | 20th July, 2018


Four chapters are missing from the textbook, while two chapters, 20& 21, have been repeated.Agra district general secretary of UP Primary Teachers’ Association, Brajesh Dixit, said, “There are major errors in books distributed among primary school students in Agra. Agra: Even after a delay of over three months, the basic education department has not been able to provide good quality books to primary schools in Agra. All such books will be replaced and notices will be issued to their publishers.” While the teachers will somehow manage, students will have a tough time in completing the entire syllabus. In some other books, either chapters are missing or have been repeated.However, basic education department officials claim that proper verification of books before distribution, as directed by the state government, was carried out.In class 8 science book, ‘Aao Samjhen Vigyan’, page number 2 is followed by page number 63, 83 and 99..