Your dad’s death a ‘national shame’: Rahul Gandhi in letter to slain Bulandshahr cop’s son

Agra | Tuesday | 11th December, 2018


I want to ask the government, whose father will be the next victim of this age-old conflict? Bullets cannot silence his patriotism and commitment to our collective humanity,” read the letter marked to Abhishek Kumar Singh, youngest son of the slain cop.Speaking with TOI, the cop’s son, Abhishek, said, “My father taught us to treat every religion equally and be humble to everyone. In the toxic environment, your father stood out for his courage and integrity. Is religious indoctrination more important than the welfare of the people?” The Yogi Adityanath government will continue to support fascist forces that seeks to destroy our social fabric.”“The VHP, RSS and their sister organizations have created an atmosphere of fear and violence with the active support of the BJP government..