Agra: Over 65% exam centres in dist in sensitive category

Agra | Monday | 4th February, 2019


AGRA: After chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s video conference with officials from the education department here recently on curbing malpractices in the upcoming board examinations, authorities have identified a total of 121 sensitive and highly sensitive centres in the district.According to secondary education department officials, while 39 exam centres have been marked as highly sensitive, 82 have been listed as sensitive ones. Hence, we have made special arrangements for fair and peaceful conduct of exams at these centres.”According to sources, a majority of the exam centres in these categories are private schools. Only 63 out of a total of 184 exam centres have been included in the general category.The officials said that the district administration and police would make special arrangements at sensitive centres to ensure fair conduct of board examinations that are scheduled to begin on Thursday. They added that static magistrates would be deputed at these centres apart from zonal magistrates who would conduct surprise inspections.Recently, the CM had expressed displeasure over complaints about lack of proper arrangements for fair conduct of exams.Agra DIOS Ravindra Singh said, “We have identified 82 sensitive and 39 highly sensitive exam centres in the district. These centres had reported widespread cheating and other malpractices in the previous years..