9-year-old girl thwarts ‘robbery-cum-rape’attempt, injured severely in confrontation

Agra | Friday | 21st July, 2017


The family’s claims of attempt to rape will be verified once the medical report of the victim, who suffered severe injuries, is received. An FIR will soon be registered in this connection,” the SHO added. Agra: A nine-year-old girl of Azizpur village in Malpura area bravely thwarted a “robbery-cum-rape” attempt on Thursday morning, but was severely injured in the violent clash with the thief who broke into her house when her parents were away.The girl has been admitted to the district hospital.In his complaint to Malpura police, the victim’s father stated, “A thief broke into our house and when my daughter confronted him, he picked a brick lying there and attacked her. At the time of incident, my daughter was alone as my wife Kavita and I had gone to a medical store, while our son was in the school.”“When I entered the house, the thief attacked me, too; and when I tried to nab him, he bite me on the hand and ran away,” the father stated in the written complaint to police.He also claimed that the thief attempted to rape his daughter, said police.Following the complaint, Malpura station house officer Ramesh Bhardwaj visited the hospital and recorded the statements of the victim and her parents.“We are investigating the matter..