PM's claim false, farms get power for only eight hours: Gujarat Congress

Ahmedabad | Friday | 20th April, 2018


The senior leader alleged that private power producers were flourishing in Gujarat at the cost of state-owned power producers. A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in London that Gujarat started getting 24/ 7 power supply under the BJP rule, the Gujarat Congress said that the claim was false. Former Gujarat Congress president Arjun Modhwadia said that Gujarat was supplying round-the-clock electricity since 1980, much before the BJP came to power in state. "Even farmers used to get electricity 24 x 7, but the supply has been reduced to eight hours under the BJP government. As against this, states like Pondicherry, Goa, Kerala, Odisha, Uttarakhand and MP supply round-the-clock electricity to farmers, West Bengal for 23 hours, and eight other states get power for 9 to 20 hours in a day..