Daddy's little saviour! Girl donates kidney to father

Ahmedabad | Sunday | 17th June, 2018


Even as both father and daughter recuperate in the local SAL Hospital, doctors say it is a rare case of an unmarried girl donating her organ to save the father; an unmatched gift for Father's day! "A young daughter donating kidney to her father is rare, accounting less than 2% of the total donations," says Lal's transplant surgeon Dr Himanshu Shah who performed the transplant with Dr Sharad Dodiya and other team members. Despite us coming from a conservative, middle class family, my father fulfilled my wish and sent me to boarding for higher studies. Of these, only two were unmarried," says Sujata Rajapurkar, transplant coordinator at Mulji Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad. "In our entire transplant programme, 28 girls have donated kidneys-- 14 to fathers..