These clocks run backwards in tribal traditions

Ahmedabad | Thursday | 19th July, 2018


The tribal clock represents this and it is, in fact, the right direction,” says 70-yearold Bhedi, who was gifted the clock by a friend two months ago. Around 10,000-15,000 clocks have been sold in the past two years.There are many reasons for tribals to support this non-conventional movement. VADODARA: At retired school teacher Mathur Bhedi’s house in Godhra he proudly shows off a wall clock with picture of tribal hero Birsa Munda on its dial. Lalsing Gamit, a 40-year-old tribal activist in Valod village of Tapi district, has started making these ‘adivasi ghadis’ which are fast gaining popularity among tribals. In rituals like worshipping the Holi or weddings too, tribals take circles from right to left or anti-clockwise..