Women cops to get trained in ‘lock and hold’

Ahmedabad | Monday | 17th September, 2018


AHMEDABAD: To reduce the womanpower involved in escorting prisoners to court, Gujarat police is adopted a new technique.DGP Shivanand Jha said three or four women cops are deployed on escort duty, which is a waste of money and time.“From Monday, we started training 30 women police officers and personnel from different SRP groups at Karai Police Training Academy, in the ‘lock and hold technique’. It is effective even if the prisoner is better built than the escort personnel. This will be a five-day training programme,” added Sahay.Senior superintendent of police Himanshu Shukla, who is also in-charge deputy director of Karai Police Training Academy, said that this technique will help saving money, manpower and and time and also be used by policemen on escort duty. This will enable just one or two policewomen to perform escort duty,” said Jha.Jha added that these 30 women cops will be across the state to train other women cops in the technique.“The womanpower saved will be used for better policing and public safety,” said Jha.Additional DGP Vikas Sahay of the Karai Training Academy said, “Lock and hold is a way of holding a prisoner or an accused while on escort duty by just one cop.“Using this, the prisoner’s hand is held in such a way that she cannot escape, and can be overpowered quickly if she even tries..