Ahd: Girl back on her feet after surgery

Ahmedabad | Sunday | 4th November, 2018


The four-hour-long surgery resulted in removal of 1.5 kg of tumour.Exactly two years later, the doctors said that the girl is back on her feet, going to school and performing all the daily activities. AHMEDABAD: Parents of Payal (name changed), 8, a resident of Bhavnagar district were distraught when they approached the experts about constant pain in her left leg. She was felicitated as one of the rare cases along with her farmer parents at a recent conference at GCRI.“When the limb salvaging surgery is done on a growing child the challenge is to keep adjusting the implant. The doctors salvaged her neurovascular bundle, and by extensding her ability to walk, said Dr Salunke. Thus, a small surgery is required every six months..