Five more Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority town planning schemes get approved

Ahmedabad | Wednesday | 16th January, 2019


The state government has approved seven more town planning (TP) schemes, including draft TP schemes in Ahmedabad. With latest approvals, the number of TP schemes approved in city in the last year has gone up to 43. An official release states that chief minister Vijay Rupani, who also holds the urban development portfolio, approved TP scheme 454 (Hanspura), 505 (Kathwada), 242 (Ranasan-Muthiya-Chiloda), 416/ A (Vastral), and 117 (Kathwada) in Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA). “The approval of five draft TP schemes will allow planned development in over 750 hectare area. The government said that the approvals would lead to faster development of roads, and other infrastructural facilities..