I am back, will bring order to chaos in Gujarat BJP, says OM Mathur

Ahmedabad | Thursday | 17th January, 2019


OM Mathur, the newly-appointed BJP in-charge for Gujarat, on Wednesday said that he will bring chaos within the party to order. However, Gujarat BJP chief Jitu Vaghani, who was also present, intervened and defied any indiscipline or unrest within party cadres. Mathur is on a state tour and was felicitated by party cadres at the Ahmedabad airport on Wednesday. Mathur exhibited his confidence to make the party win all 26 seats in Gujarat again in Lok Sabha polls. When asked about indiscipline and unrest among party cadres in Gujarat, which eventualy resulted in embarrassment for CM Vijay Rupani and other top brass of BJP in the state, Mathur said, "I am back in Gujarat now..