Mosquitoes from Geneva

Ahmedabad | Monday | 11th February, 2019


I am sure that Geneva conference must have been really informative, so you may find my request slightly strange, but the real learning from Geneva for us in Ahmedabad is that we should stop learning from Geneva. If we return to the core subject of mosquitoes, the wisdom from planet Earth is really worth looking at. Interestingly, I am writing this from Chitawan, a Himalayan Terai region, that has a great story to offer on what mosquitoes can do to a society. As per news, you have just visited an alpine lake-city to learn about mosquitoes that torment our hot city built on the edge of a desert. Tharu people native to this region enjoyed a unique exclusivity to land because living alongside mosquitoes, they had evolved almost seven times more immunity to malaria than rest of us..