Man seeks rights to oil extracted from his land

Ahmedabad | Wednesday | 20th February, 2019


He had submitted that as part of 'temporary acquisition', the ONGC cannot occupy his land indefinitely without permanent acquisition. AHMEDABAD: Frustrated with indefinite occupation of his agricultural land by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) for oil exploration under a contract of 'temporary acquisition', a farmer from Mehsana district in north Gujarat has demanded before the Gujarat high court on Tuesday that the oil and gas extracted from his land be treated his property.Hailing from Kaiyal village of Kadi taluka, Khumansingh Chauhan, in his 60s, had knocked on HC doors two years ago to direct the government and ONGC to return portion of his land once temporarily acquired for oil exploration in 2007. He requested ONGC to buy his land for permanent acquisition which was turned down by the oil major.Faced with a situation where ONGC neither vacates his land nor purchases it, Chauhan's counsel on Tuesday argued before a division bench of Justice Harsha Devani and Justice A P Thaker that since Chauhan continues to be the owner of the land, the oil and gas extracted from his land would be of his ownership.The lawyer cited various land laws - the Land Acquisition Act, the Land Revenue Code, the Mines and Minerals Act and the Gujarat Minerals Rules as well as Gujarat Mineral Rules - to point out that there are clear provisions that minerals found underneath private land belongs to the government. But there is no provision made for ownership of oil and gas in law books.The lawyer reiterated that as the ONGC is reluctant to permanently acquire the land saying that it cannot predict time till it can extract natural resources from the well in Chauhan's land, being the owner of the land, Chauhan has decided not to extend the tenancy rights and wishes to end the contract.The HC has asked the state government and ONGC authorities to file their affidavit by March 7, and posted further hearing on March 13, said Chauhan's advocate Salim Saiyed..