VS Library opened at IIM-Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad | Tuesday | 12th March, 2019


Constructed in 1970s, the buildings on the heritage campus still attract architects and enthusiasts across the globe to experience the modernist idea conceived in Ahmedabad. AHMEDABAD: The squares and circles of Louis Kahn’s exposed red-brick architecture at IIM-Ahmedabad (IIM-A) is perhaps as famous as the premier management institute itself. The library was chosen as the first project as it literally is in heart of the building in alignment with the philosophy of the institute. According to IIM-A officials, it is the first of the overall restoration of Red Bricks — how the original buildings of IIM-A is identified — project. The budgets have already been allocated for different parts of the building as restoration would take place in phase-wise manner,” said a senior IIM-A official..