Yummy treats for feathered guests in wetlands

Ahmedabad | Monday | 18th March, 2019


Migratory ducks or other kinds of wintering migratory wetland birds, which we see in wetlands such as Nal, Thol, Wadvana, Gosa Bara-Mokarsagar, Khijadiya, Narara, etc. In fact, the 'dining hall' function of wetlands has been of prime importance for these feathered foreigners. For around five months of winter, starting in November/December, our wetlands had been playing the role of 'guest-houses' or 'resorts' for these feathered and winged 'foreign tourists'. Of course, these birds do not decide if a particular food item (plant/animal) is 'yummy' based on its taste. A majority of these fatty treats are available from natural or man-made wetlands..