Green alert! Veggie prices in A'bad skyrocket to 200/kg

Ahmedabad | Sunday | 24th March, 2019


In one month’s time, we expect local the local vegetable supply to stabilize prices,” said Chovatia.of summer," said Tirth Patel, an executive in Satellite. "I bought guvar (cluster beans) at Rs 225 per kg while chauli (long beans) sold at Rs 200 per kg. The cost of greens, especially nutritious beans, have skyrocketed with guvar and chauli beans costing an exorbitant Rs 200 per kg or more. AHMEDABAD: Putting greens on the plate has become an expensive affair this summer. “The situation will normalize in a month,” he added.Afzal Shaikh, a vegetable agent at APMC said that prices of greens have more than doubled..