Ahmedabad: In election time, a fan rod lands man in jail

Ahmedabad | Friday | 12th April, 2019


Cops said that when questioned, Patni did not give a satisfactory explanation for why he was carrying a rusted iron rod tied to his bike. "We know labourers and others need to carry the tools of their trade, but Patni did not provide a satisfactory explanation," he claimed. The man was walking when the cops nabbed him and slapped him with a case for violating the notification. Bharat Patni, 23, a resident of Chandanagar in Chamanpura was carrying the rod to buy a new one for his ceiling fan, when he was nabbed by officers during a routine check. He was booked for violating the commissioner of police's notification for election code of conduct that prevents anyone from carrying knife, rods, stones, swords, etc, on their person..