Kesar mango auction begins at Talala

Ahmedabad | Monday | 6th May, 2019


Achche Din (good days) for Kesar Mango lovers are not far as auction of this premium variety has begun at Talala in Gir Somnath district, the hub for Kesar mangoes. H H Jharsania, secretary of Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) at Talala said that the first day witnessed the auction of 15,000 boxes (of 10 kg each) of Kesar mangoes, which is about 1,000 boxes higher than the previous year. Top class ripe mangoes fetched a price of Rs 800 per box, while unripe and prematurely plucked mangoes fetched Rs 250 per box. Wholesale traders in Ahmedabad said that supplies of Kesar varieties from Valsad and Kutch has also begun and that of Hapoos (Alphonso) from Valsad has also increased. Laxmandas Rohra, chairman of Ahmedabad Wholesale Fruit Market Association said that the auction marks an increase in the supply of these mangoes..