Cyclone Vayu brings relief, rainfall helps arrest soaring mercury in the Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad | Friday | 14th June, 2019


Isolated rainfall, a cloudy sky, and moisture-laden winds helped in arresting the soaring mercury in the city that was giving a tough time to citizens. In fact, the city, on Thursday, recorded a maximum temperature of 35.6 degrees Celsius, which was hovering around 43-44 degrees just two days back. As far as the minimum temperatures are concerned, the city recorded a minimum temperature of 26.6 degrees Celsius, which is a degree less than the normal. The weather office has predicted that the minimum temperature in the city till June 19 is expected to be around 25 degrees Celsius. As per the Met department, the city recorded 11.2 mm rainfall in last 24 hours ending at 8.30 am Thursday..